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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. :headcase:HF-2 + Flats My sales items have come through in financing, so no regrets!
  2. I'm so temped... *saving for HF2, saving for HF2*
  3. If it only played SACD/DVD-A
  4. Eh its ok. I have other discs to keep me company.
  5. I take it back. They are sending me ONLY the R.S., and waiting until they ship my Imogen Heap (August) to send me the JOY. Big on my part. Oh well.
  6. I bought this when I preordered The new Regina Spektor, and I mistakenly checked the 'group my items into few shipments' so I won't have it for a few more weeks.
  7. Congrats, and best of luck Ian!
  8. I'm not so sure how this will help, but fire away!
  9. I was mostly referring to the crazies on the Grado thread who are just being ridiculous over the lettering. However, do you agree that those few finishing lines in the HD800 are flaws? I think it is just someone being overly anal over a handmade product.
  10. But does it have an accent wall?
  11. The part I don't understand about this whole QA fiasco: When a consumer has a problem with a product from a manufacturer, wouldn't they not purchase it? What is the point of bitching and moaning about the HF2 and Grado quality in general, then preordering the product?
  12. It's a handmade headphone. Honestly, put the damn things on your head and enjoy.
  13. Yeah I've followed it for a long time. Hopefully this release date will be the correct one
  14. Yeah its been up for preorder for a while. Even before I ordered it. I'm quite excited
  15. Just a thought, but maybe you should stick to authorized resellers. I never got how some people will look for the lowest, most unbelievably low price from a shady seller or through flea market sources, then are shocked when they get fakes.
  16. In the spirit of the Regina Spektor thread, I though I would give a heads up. Immy has a new album to be released (according to Amazon) on August 3. Amazon.com: Ellipse: Imogen Heap: Music Of course, I have it preordered
  17. I'm pretty interested in that CD player. I had my eye on a Denon 2900, but this might work too
  18. Minute by minute burn in impression NAO.
  19. Congrats to your son. You must be proud!
  20. I'm fortunate enough to not have dealt with that yet. My condolences to his family, and you. The worst wake I ever had to do was for my friend's little brother. I wasn't close to the brother, but you can't help but weep when you walk up to an open coffin with a 6 year old boy in it. My understanding is the family still doesn't actually know what happened, he just died in his sleep. Such a shame.
  21. JBLoudG20


    Coming from you, none the less None of you have ever actually met me, though. How could you judge my personality? As for instruments: never tried. I doubt I'd be any good, though.
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