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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Thanks Vicki, John, and Riceboy.
  2. *nix also includes OSX. I planned it that way do I could call in the big guns (fanboys): ATTACK.
  3. Bingo. I don't give a flying fuck, so I don't care to look into it for my touch.
  4. Still more often than the need to reboot a *nix system.
  5. Dusty is win
  6. I fucking hate your face.
  7. I spent 6+ hours on motorcycles. ~250 miles. I also accepted an offer from a professor for a full ride ph.d One and a half years part time, while I work my job. Then 3 years full time, making the same money I make right now. Can't complain... get all education expenses covered, and get the same pay that I get now. If I decide to stay at my job now, then I'll just have a Master's 2 years from now, but I'm leaning heavily toward the offer he made me. No real lose in this situation.
  8. I'm jsut giving you a hard time. I forgot a smiley.
  9. -=n_maher=- is more like it.
  10. I am posting to remind myself to check this out.
  11. Wah. Bitch about it some more.
  12. It'll be a great graduation present... for his grand children.
  13. Now I don't deal with customers
  14. Don't worry indra, you take far better pictures than him. I used to work at a technology store, and my female coworker use dto get the same crap. I used to outright refuse to help the guy, and tell him she knows more than you or I do.
  15. Don't h8, consolidate! Your loans, and while you are at it, refinance your house! Alternatively: Don't h8, refridgerate! Don't h8, commiserate! Don't h8, ROLL THE FUCKING THROTTLE
  16. It's funny. Last night I was sitting in my chair, listening to some music and I realized how happy I really am. It was one of those warm fuzzy moments, with a huge smile on my face.
  17. I know all that, but it still makes absolutely no sense to me. If your computer actually gains a noticeable improvement from offloading sound computation, then your performance upgrade would have been better served with a different piece of hardware.
  18. I'm very interested to compare the Superfreq to the triple.fi.
  19. You are a freak of nature. Hey Mike, can you weigh in on your Freq experience?
  20. Why buy a shitty sound card, when you own a pico?
  21. I've read more than one account that the T1 has less than stellar sound quality. Not necessarily by people whose ears I trust, but none the less. For $250, I'd pull a sweet deal on the Triple.Fi It may take some finnagling, but is certainly possible, as I recently demonstrated
  22. I'm staying out of the finger pointing, my ass is already burning form teh beatings I have received lately
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