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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I'm at work posty or Chris attack.
  2. I'm at work posty or Chris attack.
  3. Man it was a PITA to pull the MSB out of my rack, too
  4. x2 I also use the argument of not buying the first iteration of a product, until the kinks are worked out. This was part of my motivation on NOT buying the new MacBook (Pro)
  5. Anybody want to give it a try? Fluke - Play FLAC files in iTunes at earpick
  6. Anybody want to give it a try? Fluke - Play FLAC files in iTunes at earpick
  7. I have no idea. I haven't used iTunes much before. I doubt I'll use it all that much as most of my listening is via CD nowadays, but all my music is in FLAC.
  8. I have no idea. I haven't used iTunes much before. I doubt I'll use it all that much as most of my listening is via CD nowadays, but all my music is in FLAC.
  9. :barf:
  10. Epic fail.
  11. Question, do I need a plugin for FLAC to use it in iTunes? MBP Arrives today!
  12. Question, do I need a plugin for FLAC to use it in iTunes? MBP Arrives today!
  13. Sucks. Hope all is ok.
  14. There isn't much going on with the iMac. I'd say its relatively safe to buy now.
  15. :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess: EPIC WIN.
  16. So is postys brain, but it still doesn't function very well.
  17. Awesome, Nate! I think I'm taking a day off next week to go to the beach with my gf.
  18. Filing this under epic win: Lightroom 2.0 has an educational version. $200 off. So I am getting a refund on my 2.0, and I just picked up the (FULL) version for $99
  19. I did, trying to eat them.
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