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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. JBLoudG20


    Trigger pulled.
  2. The search function is your friend.
  3. It was moved into the Casino http://www.head-case.org/forums/casino/4032-capitole-izing-i-did.html
  4. Fail. I saw it on friday in the post your mug, headcase thread.
  5. Speaking of, where are pics of KLPG?
  6. I would prefer more of swt.
  7. So how you liking the Kefs?
  8. JBLoudG20


    when/if jinp pays me, I'll give them a shot.
  9. Al that image is painful on an iToich
  10. is it AA that uses the xilinx fpga's in the DAC stage?
  11. For the record, I cheer for Jacob
  12. JBLoudG20


    they are marketed here in he us. And by 'seen' I mean heard, obviously
  13. JBLoudG20


    Has anybody seen these? I kinda doubt it, but figured I'd ask. Something about them has been calling me for a while, now. They are 'studio' phones according to AT. Audio-Technica - Microphones, headphones, wireless microphone systems, noise-cancelling headphones & more : ATH-M50 : Professional Studio Monitor Headphones
  14. If they give you a hard time, let me know. We can probably work something out, since I pickup my new Student ID tomorrow.
  15. I'm just giving you a hard time, buddy. FWIW, I'm pretty happy with my MBP, so far.
  16. We didn't its actually tomorrow, but a little birdie told me it is already her birthday over there, so I figured it counted
  17. Happy Birthday to the photoprincess! :prettyprincess: :prettyprincess:
  18. No big deal. If I put it back in, I charge you a $50 labor fee
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