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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. That's been in the news for a little while now.
  2. Karma for not buying Digital Link III
  3. Damn boy. I haven't bought anything recently. I am waiting for a special something...
  4. We can all agree that speakers are so much better than headphones.
  5. I know its not AT, but its said to be a great match. Why this amp? It sure seems pretty simple. And I'm curious.
  6. P.S. My dog would probably rip your leg off.
  7. h8
  8. You at least have to give Ray the nod for build quality. I'm just kinda talking out my ass here, since I don't have a dog in the race. Don't take me too seriously.
  9. College ball FTW. GO UCONN
  10. College ball FTW. GO UCONN
  11. Does anyone have an idea what's under the hood of the fabled AT amp? I'm giving thought to taking a stab at the amp. Any help would be appreciated.
  12. I have never seen one that was made to handle storm surges. Every single one I have seen and used to sell specifically state in its documentation that they are not liable for storm surges. In other words, they will not pay out if a storm struck, since all the good ones have 'insurance'.
  13. Remember kids, use a $15 soundcard if you are on a desktop. It really helps give you that hi-fi feeling. Also make sure you convert your MP3's to FLAC. Without these essential items, your soundz just plain old suxor.
  14. Heh. I remember when the majority of the posters here defended SP until they were blue in the face. Man how times change. But seriously, that is some uber shitty work. How can this man stay in business?
  15. You clearly didn't lurk very long, oh thin skinned pissant.
  16. Surge protectors are not made to handle storm surges. They are made to handle surges from your power company. If you get a close enough lightning strike, there is very little you can do to prevent damage.
  17. JBLoudG20


  18. The show isn't there to cater to the real drug dealers.
  19. I just got my bill for tuition, as well.
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