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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Well, since tranny has been said in this thread, and it is not caught by the filter, I can conclude that tranny is not what tripped off the filter. Therefore GE must be selling Gay men.
  2. Did you see that story today, Apple is now worth more than Google.
  3. GE is selling trannys?
  4. GE WTF are you selling?
  5. Knowing Indra, probably not
  6. Yup. Sorry about that.
  7. Posty seems happy with his Cambridge. I forget the model.
  8. TKAM is $$
  9. You can make fun of my manhood all you want, but the left side of my body was purposefully designed, implemented, trained, and honed for optimal clutch (dis)engaging.
  10. I agree, but its built in nowadays. I'd try right now, but my boss wouldn't be happy if it worked.
  11. Whops didnt see the tilde. Though in a fairly famous bug, ubuntu will let you 'rm -r /' As it should, dammit I have root privledges.
  12. Removes your root directory. I think Ubuntu is one of the few distros that will actually let you do that, unless they fixed it.
  13. I feel this could be a good thing: larger budget for R&D.
  14. I was a bit confused at that as well, but went with it.
  15. ll is 'listlong' its equivalnt to ls -l.. sorry that my habit.
  16. DEW EET
  17. is install not executable? perform a ll on /tmp
  18. Nevermind I stupid. You can check what directory you are in by using 'pwd'
  19. - Products - Ultimate Ears Earphones Headphones Personal Monitors
  20. Seems like an error in their install scripts. Man their documentation blows. I don't know, contact them?
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