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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I have a AV710 I'll gladly sell for $75.
  2. thuper
  3. Mind control device.
  4. So what is the answer? Do fish get thirsty?
  5. I've never even heard of them.
  6. USA hasn't even had a tough game yet. Its a joke. Then again, we do have professionals on the team
  7. I love it. Awesome post.
  8. Damn reks makes shitty coffee.
  9. Your location says your desk.
  10. In your desk?
  11. Every driver up here is an asshole driver.
  12. So inside that green bag/cooler thing there is the tubelab SE to power that hifi speaker we can see?
  13. That is precisely why you carry change in your pockets. A little toss over your shoulder, they don't know what happened
  14. Please.Stop.Posting.
  15. You are its quite obvious at this point speakers are so much better. Just ask jacob.
  16. L_maher is win
  17. x2 Daddy you always tell me a bedtime story.. waaaahhhhhh
  18. Happy Happy birthday, from all of us to you. We wish it was our birthday so we could: 1) make some poo 2) buy a canoe 3) talk like Apu 4) CHEESE FONDU 5) [robin williams]naneww naneww[/robin williams] 6) ride a seadoo :prettyprincess:
  20. And that kills my recommendation... I haven't heard it, but what about the ESW9?
  21. I'm going to go out on a limb and say a k340 or even a k240. Sweet sweet sweet midrange. The 340 will take a beefy setup to milk the most out of it, though. The 240 will sounds pretty darn good right out of an ipod. You might not want the k240s, though, its a bit on the muddy side. You won't know unless you try though. You are welcome to auditioning my k240s, if you'd like.
  22. whittle a wooden dalek and boil it, smash it, stick it in a stew!
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