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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I just got notification from Amazon due to my preorder, that the release date moved back to September 8-September 14.
  2. I volunteer to double blind that.
  4. Went for a 5 mile run in the rain. Ironically, I'm awfully dehydrated right now.
  5. If the shovel fits...
  6. I really don't see why you'd want to have a digitally controlled gain adjustment. Maybe a switch with 2 or even 3, but why have more than that?
  7. That is about 7x faster than my DSL.
  8. Yup a basement. Where Jacob keeps the bodies.
  9. Doctor speaks, I listen. Probably the fact that my cholesterol was exceedingly high... damn 3 years ago? Has it really been that long since I had a checkup. I guess its time to turn my head and cough.
  10. I love beef. Absolutely love it. But, knowing its bad for your heart, and I have a family history of heart disease on both sides, should I eat it regularly? At what point does "living" become more important than "existing"? What if the love of my life was cocaine? Would I be just existing if I avoided that temptation? I guess that's a personal line that needs to be drawn, and its location will vary person to person. Either way, cheers everyone! May you all be happy and healthy for many years to come!
  11. My order just showed up at my door.
  12. Why the sadcat? You choose to do it to yourself.
  13. You have to, IMO, or it wont work for the long run.
  14. Yeah I can see that. For a few months I ate a hell of a lot of plain chicken, salad, etc. I have curbed that considerably now, and I'm happy I've kept the weight off for about 3 months. I'm just starting to diet again, as I'd like to hit the 200 mark. My fiancee is VERY active as well, so we run together a lot. I'm also addicted to basketball, so I get in a good amount of exercise. This allows me to enjoy some good food and drink. But as you mention, I am still young, so my body can still take it. I'll probably have a different approach when I hit your age.
  15. Ive half-assed looked at them, but my budget doesn't allow yet. I just follow someone who knows where they are going
  16. I have found my relative level of happiness to be much higher when I am 'fit'. Over the last year I've lost about 50-60 pounds, most of which is attributed to keeping to an exercise regimen. I have sleep problems, and they are pretty much under control if I work out regularly. I am less tired, with more energy. I eat more healthy, but the real difference as been moderation. I still enjoy good beer and food, but maybe once or twice a week instead of 2 beers every day. I've never been one to be overweight, but I saw my weight slipping, and out of the blue decided to cut it. I was 260ish. I began having difficulty completing 3/4 mile in 15 minutes. I began this in Feb. Now I'm 210lbs at 6'3", and I complete 3 miles in 22ish minutes. Just with our headphone hobby, YMMV. I used to be clearly in the I'd rather be fat and happy camp, but I've found that I can be even happier in the "not completely out of shape" and happy camp.
  17. Yeah that's the other route I've looked at. Plus it would negate the need (ok not NEED perse, but preference) of water-resistance. I'm not actively searching right now, but it would be nice to have.
  18. I've been damn interested in a GPS for my bike, but I need a mount that will work with my clipons.
  19. Went to DMV to have my car inspected because I'm a bad boy. I was praying they didnt give me grief for my ride height and exhaust. Nice guy I dealt with, just checked my infractions, and sent me on my way.
  20. The Katie Melua discs are huge winners. I also have the Keren Ann and the Natalie Walker. Great taste in music
  21. Got up, hungover. Ate, went to a street fair then a scavenger hunt at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Lombardi's for pizza. I'm not feeling so well, so I'll probably stay in tonight.
  22. Glad to hear it Gary. I just got out of the shower, and while I was in there, I was wondering if i should order the stuff to build you the board I promised and was going to shoot you a PM. As for the speakers, you'll want to use a Zobel Network. Read AMB's instructions: The β22 Stereo Amplifier (go the wiring section, direct link doesn't work)
  23. Damn I'm jealous. Have a fantastic time!
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