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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I'm thinking of UPOCC and furutech 1/4" for the 950LTD project.
  2. Nate, where did you purchase the UPOCC? Take5?
  3. Hey screw you buddy. My jew friends are going to kick your ass.
  4. H8 Face.
  5. JBLoudG20


    you want? let me know, I got the hookup.
  6. Maybe if your a 5 fucking foot asian you can get away with 800 calories. Leaving weight out of it, a bigger person needs more incoming energy. It's a bit more difficult than simply saying oh yeah: eat 800 calories or you are a fat fuck. Lifestyle comes into play as well. Sure nowadays I spend a lot of time at a desk, I don't need to eat as much as when I used to spend 8 hours chopping wood. I'm pretty sure I'd have serious health concerns if I ate 800 calories, and did physical labor all day. Nevermind that even at the lifestyle I live now, 800 would definitely not be safe. Here's to waiting out the drunking fucking mess that is Edwood's bi yearly Head-Case posting tirade. At least Aerius stays out of the majority of our threads.
  7. YAY Dan has been laid 10 times in his life That's like what once every 4 years?
  8. 800 calories? That WOULD be unsafe for me.
  9. LOL RAWR (T-Rex)
  10. Broken. I cannot possibly imagine that the wires would in any way break, and becuase of that AKG would release a new version with a removeable cable to that supposedly you can fix it yourself.
  11. That is the only appeal of playing the game.
  12. ZOMFG I can't believe this. Pics or it didn't happen.
  13. x2 Kef Brother
  14. No shit? Really? Are you making this up?
  15. What about headphone XLR's?
  16. That's not to say that using a good power supply would do anything bad. What PSU is it?
  17. naamanf's chopper.
  18. The heartburn was cause by pizza. MMM pizza....
  19. Ah yes, other visiting contributors include: Nensos "LOL OMGWTFBBQ LOL ANIIME KILLMEDIYSTYLE ROFL" aardvark's "quintuple redundancy in data (porn) backups" spritzer's "give me stax or give me death" boomana's "proper portable amps to drive R10's, HE90's, k701's and the like" dusty chalk's "black black and more black" deepak's "the medical science behind burn-in" rek's "monthly olive oil analysis" hydro's "HAI GUIS: how to become a gurrel in 10 daise" ok im done now, I think.
  20. Yesterday I went to work, worked late, then met a friend for Dinner. Pepe's pizza in New Haven. She was insistent on taking the leftovers back for her sister, so she stuck the box at my lower back. I swear every time I had to stop, I felt like I was going to have pizza all over my back. Great time, though. I must be getting old, though. That greasy pizza gave me terrible heartburn that kept me up most of the night. What's my personal M.D. got to say to that?
  21. Our undergrad numebrs look kinda like that. 90somethign percent white. I am, however, in the less than 10% of white graduate EE's.
  22. Screw this, I just appointed myself Editor-in-chief of Magazine-Case. I need writers, dammit. I think it goes without saying we will have "posty's corner". Other article ideas include: "aerius' porn-of-the-week/impending doom lunacy", xand1x's "audio tales from a black man", Ian obviously gets a 'goth meets the girl next door album covers", grawk's "tell it like it is", and a bi monthly DIY session from "suck it ALO". Article submissions can be sent to me via pm or email link.
  23. Under 25V and tube? Not much there, especially in the realm of a (shitty) tube like the 12AU7. If you use a 6922, you can build a YAHA. That's all I have off the top of my head. Many tubes meant for a high B+ don't sound all that great at low voltages, but there are a few exceptions to the rule.
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