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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Just for Jason, it was key lime pie yogurt.
  2. I've never been so alive... VTG's ARE HERE :prettyprincess:
  3. And they all have products aesthetics down to the 'T'. The K.I.C.A.S. screams cheap to me, and I think the stickers add to the cheap look. Overall its just looks too DIY'ish. Of course, these are just recommendations for future improvements. If the amp sounds a good as you say it does, tie it all together with some nice packaging.
  4. Meriden, CT? You are next door to me.
  5. Represent. It's kinda scary how alike we are in that regard.
  6. Jacob and I are Eagle Scouts.
  7. It's been about an hour and I haven't shown any signs of imminent death.
  8. Meh. Make life interesting.
  9. So I just ate a yogurt that technically didn't have a complete seal around the lid. When I lifted the tab, there was some dried yogurt on the rim, and it didnt have its usual spit at me ordeal. I thought twice about eating it, then decided to do it anyway
  10. "By submitting, posting or displaying the content you give Google a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any content which you submit, post or display on or through, the services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling Google to display, distribute and promote the services and may be revoked for certain services as defined in the additional terms of those services."
  11. Mine wouldn't even tab to the post icons. However, even if you tab to 'post icons' and hit enter, the post is submitted, at least on my linux machines running FF3.
  12. I'll give that a shot, thanks.
  13. Ok I'm in. Time to rape the UConn hub friday, in preparation for my NYC commute this weekend.
  14. OK macpeoples. This has been irking me. When in advanced reply, why am I not able to press tab then enter to submit? Why will tab not advance the current object to the buttons? I am in firefox 3, BTW. It works fine for a quick reply.
  15. Give an impression, please.
  16. That is why I'm not a fan. My total amount of money lost at a casino is $100, and I didn't enjoy a single moment of it. Terrible way to spend my money.
  17. I guess its all relative, but a loss of a grand, to me, isn't very controlled. But hey, its your money! I'm also not a fan of casinos, so I tend to view it in a negative light, so don't mind me.
  18. /me listens intently
  19. New releases, new SKU's with pricedrops. This is a blessing in disguise for you.
  20. FTFY
  21. Good to know, thanks.
  22. Much appreciated.
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