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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Well the VTG isn't very portable
  2. There was one of those machines at Coney Island this past weekend.
  3. Please give a bit of feedback on that, it is the model I am considering to purchase for my g/f.
  4. Dinner at Lombardi's and a train ticket home
  5. Don't know yet. I have some on order, so I'll check when I actually get them.
  6. Rather than building a balanced CKKIII, I'd look at building a single ended, M^3.
  7. How 'bout this? http://www.neutrik.com/client/neutrik/media/downloads/Media_1190529305.pdf
  8. No sidecar. Just an automatic thiel shredder. Damn me and my tabs, I didn't realize I was in the same thread. :facepalm:
  9. They have a completely different one in their product guide.
  10. It's a large PDF that has their new lines. Justin's link didn't work for me. I emailed him 35 times to make sure he would fix it, but he never once replied. Then I called him. He said the post would be added to his waiting list. Fine I was happy to wait to get the correct link. 2 months later, he told me we was ready to change it, but I wasn't able to pay for it. Now he canceld the edit. FUCK HEADAMP and JUSTIN Neutrik - Updates
  11. If I go to Ohio, I'm going to tow your theils back to CT with my bike.. without the use of a trailer.
  12. I don't know, but Neutrik released a new pro-fi design. It just got a makeover, like Jacob needs.
  13. HAHA http://www.neutrik.com/client/neutrik/media/downloads/Media_684184039.pdf The 'crystalized' plugs have -=her name all over it=-
  14. That would explain why noone can get pro-fi's.
  15. foie gras?
  16. Remind me to never have a camera shoved up my ass.
  17. How should I feel about the temperature of my office right now?
  18. This looks great. 24/192 upsampling, and $400. I'll add it to the list, should I end up rebuilding a full headphone rig.
  19. That was among the greatest video games to have ever been created. Right up there with Zelda1, Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Secret of Mana, and the GTA series.
  20. Yup I survived the ordeal. I have Vanilla today
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