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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I took about a month break too, and I have to say, I didn't miss it at all. Glad to have you back, however.
  2. This thread reminds me of last night's Southpark.
  3. JBLoudG20


    I think you need an introduction to bittorrent
  4. Kick his ass, Sea Bass
  5. JBLoudG20

    Custom IEM's

    I used to be all about IEM's but my situation changed. I had the TF10 at the office with me, and putting them in, taking them out 10+ times a day began taking a toll, and I was getting sharp pains in my ear. Now its ESW9's 630-530 and W10VTG/Speakers from 7 on My lust died for customs, but sure can't beat the isolation IEM's gave me.
  6. JBLoudG20

    Custom IEM's

    Well Kudos Nate for ponying up the cash to try 'em out.
  7. Oh fuck get off the internets you arent supposed to be here.
  8. Thread lightly... mods don't like this behavior.
  9. Back the fuck off Ian.
  10. Your knowledge is demonstrated by a link to a video.
  11. I guess you are used to being infected by crap south of the border. :rimshot: My G20 is not infected. I see your point though.
  12. FAIL
  13. What's this WE shit? You're a canuck.
  14. Shutup and worship my universe.
  15. I'm all for the Church of Atom
  16. Macaroni Salad + water + pox meds
  17. Lefties fucking rock!
  18. Thanks for the well-wishes guys. We are brainstorming for a care package, so if you have any idea beyond cookies, movies, music, books, magazines, I'm all ears.
  19. Could be worse. The initial news I got form his girl was: "tell the other guys he crashed. Dont call the house, I'm living at the hospital." I was expecting REAL bad. At least he'll live, and should be able to walk even. Could have been much worse.
  20. We have very limited details right now, as supposedly he has only nodded a few times. He hit a guardrail, and the police say there is very little damage to his bike. Initially they are saying speed wasn't a factor, which doesn't surprise me: we was a very responsible rider. The foot could not be reattached, but doctors say with a prosthetic he should be able to walk again. It was right after a group ride on Sunday, too.
  21. Chewed my nails waiting on information on a downed riding buddy. Two broken legs, one severed foot, 5 broken ribs, 3 cracked vertebrae.
  22. Got that right. I'd probably PWM a Mosfet H-Bridge, if it were me.
  23. Do you need a magnet that will pull 400+ pounds? I saw some that will pull 50lbs that were about $40. I have no idea how much power you need.
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