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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Happy birthday, Jay. May there be many key lime pie girls for you!
  2. Just a kitchen floor being refinished, when we were told it wouldn't happen until tomorrow when no one is home anyway.
  3. We had to evacuate out house due to fumes all day. That blew all my plans.
  4. No rush player. Told you im in no rush, and I mean it. Take your time.
  5. Quilted Maple
  6. Don't buy 250cfm Deltas. That's what I used on my main machine for years (on a controller, of course).
  7. Don't worry DannyBoy, I'll send you a copy too!
  8. Welcome to the world of tubes. The first problem is most likely microphonics. Tube dampers can help, but you may just have to replace it. The second problem sounds like a dying tube. The joys of tube amp ownership
  9. I actually have a few CD's that I opened, but realized aferward that I bought doubles I throw those in addition to the Daft discs, so noone gets ripped off
  10. I'm in.
  11. 1x Brooklyner- Schneider Hopfen-Weisse 1x Rogue MoM Hefeweizen 1x Allagash Four Ale 1x Rogue XS Imperial Stout 2007 1x Bogle Old Vine Zinfandel 2006 1x Red Bicyclette Merlot 2005 1x Mercurey 1er Cru 'Clos Voyens' 2006 Burger and Fries at 5 guys.
  12. Odds are they will not rid the world of pestilence.
  13. Cars are only good for snow and rain.
  14. I'm illegally hinting at it.
  15. I <3 my esw9
  16. Deepak, you need to put the other person's address in the to: field. Putting your own address doesn't work
  17. I think I'm going to start ThreadDigging Thursday.
  18. Almost as much as your mother. But Dino rules the schools.
  19. It would probably be a bad idea to anodize your penis. Just thought you might like to know.
  20. WWPJD
  21. As punishment, I am going to empty an entire clip from a desert eagle at you. Dance, wreks, dance.
  22. Thank you very much! Jacob: you better go snark your face clean.
  23. Welcome back!
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