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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Wait what? I think I missed the whole furry thing.
  2. x2 you un lurking to learn what we are about noob
  3. I think you just need to go through puberty.
  4. You sound like that Robot we all had conversations with.
  5. JBLoudG20


    Not too bad. I have the 987, and I'm very happy with it.
  6. I would agree if you switched "entertaining" with "fucking pathetic", "On TV" with "on the dissapointing tube". "top notch" with " FUCKING BORING. WHERE IS THE FUNNY? I'M NOT INTERESTED IN THE PLOT", "Chuck" with "The Office",
  7. Win
  8. 50W sweet.. I think I used 25W last time. It might make snese to sell some output tubes to fund a transformer
  9. Thanks for the offer. I'll decide if I feel like dealing with it. I have most of the resistors (exception of the heatsinked cahodes- 1k), new octal sockets, chassis, and B+ transformer. It'll probably end up on hold for a long time, unless I can pickup some extra cash. I was called upon for full time school, so my pay just just cut by about 75%. Oh well, sacrifice now
  10. I'm tempted to build a starving, but finances got real tight, real quick. I need to rebuild my VanTOTL, too I just picked up a crazy good deal on output tubes is why I have so many. On the other hand I have like 3 6SN7's.
  11. I think I have about 20 or so output tubes. I had about 30 but sold some to postjackrabbit
  12. x2 for my broken amp.
  13. needs moar loose bowels
  14. As usual Nate you are all-knowing and all-seeing.
  15. Exact same shit I did on my first date with PostJack. No wonder hes an eHarmony reject .
  16. win
  17. 2A3 = $$, if that is what I am seeing (I'm def no tube spotting expert)
  18. Then you are in for a treat. The W1000 (and 5000 for that matter) are weakpoints in the AT lineup.
  19. You like the W1000? Leave HC
  20. Welcome to Head-Case, sorry about your thin skin.
  21. Or charge it on an African American Express
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