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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Oh so you play for the other team. Not that there's anything wrong with that [/seinfeld]
  2. You didn't tell me you were a webdesign mofo. Go redesign snark to be more awesome. Yeah didn't think so
  3. We had a dusting yesterday. It all melted in the rain last night/today.
  4. win
  5. We're only doing one disc, right?
  6. JBLoudG20


    I haven't been impressed by any super special deals today.
  7. I have my contribution in my amazon cart right now.
  8. That is the sexiest rolling pin I've ever seen.
  9. JBLoudG20


    Wah I want my toy back. Pony up, and stop complaining. This is how the holiday sales work. If you don't like dealing with it all (like me) pay a few extra bucks elsewhere.
  10. win
  11. Annoying fuck. [/dealing with annoying whiners] He hooked it up wrong. Man this reminds me exactly like 5 year olds whining at their mothers at Thanksgiving dinner.
  12. win
  13. Gobble fucking gobble. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  14. x2 When I'm not carrying my spyderfly, I carry a Kershaw that has a stud. I've used the thumbholes, and h8 their f8ce
  15. In one hour: gobble gobble, oink oink and all the trimmings.
  16. That is one serious 'on' cycle.
  17. Hence the need for a balisong EDC.
  18. For the "WHAT THE FUCK" factor, my EDC is a spyderco spyderfly.
  19. Got my new office furniture delivered at work. Spent most of the day either breaking shit, or riding on it. Now I just finished setting up my computer again, and I have to clear off my workbench so I can talk to my toys.
  20. Teach them to swear.
  21. Kids are awesome. As long as they go away after I'm tired of them.
  22. So as a doctor, you advocate the end of the human race? Interesting stance. Remind me not to go to Spain and get sick
  23. Salt Peter Also, the last thing this world needs is offspring from me.
  24. I should not be laughing.
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