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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I get that out of my MBP's internal speakers.
  2. I don't see how a statement from the company claiming accuracy leads to claiming its an ER4. And I wasn't even bitching this time. Hence the smiley. Half hearted joke.
  3. DIYCable also sells (or sold) it. I bought from them back in the day on my K340 recable.
  4. Well, duh! Note to OP: pair me with deepak.
  5. Called SunO)))
  6. You're adopted.
  7. Doesn't fucking matter, they are getting Daft Punk.
  8. Lower resolution, typically.
  9. I at a pepperoni sammich for lunch. It was tasty, but not Om nom nom worthy. Then a Granny Smith Apple. Later, a banana.
  10. Yup. I'll gladly cast my treo aside for one.
  11. Or maybe that is the metal endpanel. Kinda looks blackish, but then again, maybe silverish.
  12. your
  13. Blacker blacks?
  14. The type of people who buy a headroom product? Headroom is plenty capable of designing a high end product.
  15. I'm a huge fan of the hand drawn in/out diagram torn off a napkin and thrown on the back.
  16. Not a bad way to look at it, but I still want more out of commercial offerings. The Bel Canto doesn't even have the metal endcaps!
  17. Hammond 1455 epic fail on a $500 unit.
  18. Yeah that was pretty much my exact experience with the 120. I'll definitely give it another shot when I am more in the mood for a rip your head off IPA.
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