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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Since we are on the dog thing, I'll share a shot of my dog:
  2. And at the prices implied, it makes more sense to get a great unbal setup than a mediocre balanced.
  3. I think its up to the pairings. Thrice and I are doing two discs: one from a wishlist, one suprise disc.
  4. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    The problem comes from a label where no voltages were labeled, and the Dots did NOT correspond with the same position (one dot was on the top of primary 1, bottom of primary 2). I, for whatever stupidass reason, didn't pay attention to the dots, and wired the top to the top, bottom to the bottom. Didn't do that one again. That was on the first VanTOTL I built. Oh well live and learn. Speaking of learning, my teaching assistant ship was approved, so I now get to help with the learning process of our EE undergrads. They're fucked.
  5. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    Sure is! Nate, do me a favor, and swap the wiring on one primary on your BFT. Smoking enamel smells like shit. When there are dual primaries, they need to in phase, or the transformer hums, then starts to sizzle, then bellows some horrible smelling smoke.
  6. Pipebombs, sweet.
  7. As long as you like Daft Punk
  8. This thread was here before the noob's.
  9. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    Learned that the hard way, with a $100 transformer.
  10. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    I highly doubt that Denon, producing his $2000+ unit would allow this. Its not a hum caused by TV frequency interference.
  11. Light painting, most likely.
  12. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    Do you have the pre connected to a different wall socket?
  13. I fart louder than Nate'e loud listening volume.
  14. From whom?
  15. That's what I'd be looking at, but I guess I'm just not irritated enough at using 5 remotes.
  16. I still do. I'm too cheap to shell out for a Universal that will cover my bases.
  17. Lately I've been buying SACD over DVD-A when they are both available.
  18. Kinda makes me sad I played for AAU
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