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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I can, but then I feel like its no easier or faster to just shoot full M. No matter, I'm pretty quick full M anyway, and I enjoy it.
  2. Happy Birthday, Mrs. grawk!
  3. My camera sucks anus at A. Terribly over exposes everything. I really wish I could afford a new one.
  4. 375 miles on two wheels.
  5. I just found another place charging $20 per ear. That's much better. The cheapest of the two places I called was $150. And that lady seemed like she had no idea what IEMs were.
  6. Jeez. I thought what I found was high, but these guys are way off.
  7. What are you guys paying for impressions? My calls around have yielded $150.
  8. Yup. With a custom, even if it were to stick out of my ear as much as the ety (which I doubt) it has a smooth, large backside which I don't think will get caught on the padding as much. At least that is my thought process.
  9. The er6i sticks out of my ear too much and gets snagged by my helmet on the way off.
  10. Yeah, I thought of that already. I don't know if I could let go of my VTG again. I went all IEM at one time in the past, and I yearned for a full size phone to give my ear canals a break.
  11. I don't suppose anyone has heard a universal version of the JH-5? I also hope nobody minds a few feeler questions: 1) How well would these fit under a helmet? They look very low profile,so I doubt its an issue. I'm tired of killing my eardrums when my er6i is torn out while I take my helmet off. 2) Can you lay your head to the side with them on, while on a pillow? I have sleep problems, and I don't enjoy bothering my fiancee with the TV. I suppose any custom would suit my purposes fine, but there's no way I can swing $1100 for the 13's.
  12. Can we ban this shithead yet?
  13. Here it meant 0day exploit.
  14. I had a dream last night that I rode to Mass to visit Tyrion. He had a son who was on a 50cc quad with some girl, and wanted to race me. I interrupted Tyrion's breakfast on his porch, and he had to leave to go teach law school. Then some kid in a jetta threw eggs at me after I left Mike's house, so I stole his hat. Then I returned to an army base where some robots were attacking. My best friend (somr robot) got eliminated with some type of computer virus. So I went AWOL. I'm not making this up. Boo want to psycho-analyze that? EDIT: Tyrions wife was really nice to me, but he seemed mad I disturbed his breakfast.
  15. Yeah I just whipped it up quick. Chris' will probably look more smooth.
  16. Damn I love me an FPGA.
  17. I'm a fanboy, so my vote is Denon
  18. I'm working on restitution...
  19. Very corny redhat/fedora joke.
  20. IMO: The Denon Avr-2308 7.1 CH/5.1+2 CH Home Theater Receiver w/ Audyssey & Net. Port DAKmart
  21. yum preupgrade until you hit F11.
  22. Ian's condo (I think its a condo) looks so damn cool.
  23. At my last college apartment, one of the strays thought we were the owners. Down the hall, the maintenance guy would put out a big bowl of food for the strays that get left behind. Since we were the only apartment in the hall, the cats thought it was us and would leave us mice at our door once a week. That is my only cat story.
  24. Hygenist? My Dentist is HOT. She can't be more than 5 years older than me, too. But no, I do my physical therapist, instead
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