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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. Sure a receiver may not be 'purist' enough for 2 channel snobs, but I have a Denon that is much lower down the chain from Todd's, and I have ZERO hum. We're not talking some Kenwood or Phillips Kmart special receivers here. Mine has a retail tag of $1.3k and todds is in excess of $3k. It may not be as quiet as DuAlMonoZ setero audiophail amps, but to say that we should be hearing and living with excessive hum is a bit of a stretch.
  3. Buttholes!
  4. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    That's what I've been trying to say.
  5. I loved the TF when I owned them, twice. But in the long run, I just couldn't deal with the form factor. They constantly lost their seal. This problem went away significantly when I switched to the Shure soft flex sleeves, but then my need for IEM's went away. Glad others are discovering the sweet TF sound.
  6. JBLoudG20

    Hum Issue

    No possible way. Denon designed their high end receivers to have hum from the video section. There is no other explanation.
  7. There's another band involved too, I forget the name.
  8. Sweet dusty.
  9. Sweet dusty
  10. JBLoudG20

    Edition 8

    I just got an email from NSL: Ultrasone Headphones
  11. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    But isn't that a relation thing, not a perfect pitch thing? I thought Jacob was saying something similar. I have listened to music all my life, and I can tell when someone is butchering the Star Spangeld Banner, but that doesn't mean I have perfect pitch. That means I know what its supposed to sound like.
  12. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    How would I know? I can listen to a song and tell if the note is off in relation to others, but how would I have any idea if its perfect? Musically trained is more than naming a note, in addition. Unless I was trained to know what a note is supposed to sound like, I'd have no idea. Again, I'm not saying I have it. Judging by my superb lack of musical ability I highly doubt I have it.
  13. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

  14. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    I'm not directly arguing that I have it.. I'm throwing a what if out there. And how does that conclusion get made. I don't know I have it therefore I must not have it. Aerius is probably covered from his aids then.
  15. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    That is essentially my argument. I'm not musically trained, so I don't even know if I posses this perfect pitch. So let's say I have it, does that mean I cannot enjoy music? Does the fact that I CAN enjoy music then mean that I cannot possibly have the perfect pitch? That is essentially the argument made.
  16. Don't tell me that.
  17. I'll contribute to the cause!
  18. I both of them, but I cannot find them locally
  19. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

  20. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    Oh is THAT was that was?
  21. Oh cool. I just snooped and deleted some random shit
  22. JBLoudG20

    Perfect pitch

    Like a sevant?
  23. I fixed it by removing the file: ~/Library/Preferences/org.cogx.cog.plist
  24. Traitor
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