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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Then why the fuck do we let reks stay?
  2. congradufuckalations!
  3. How much you want for the knobby gloves?
  4. I do not miss the daily train commute to the city.
  5. I'm sure Stephen is in no rush, he knows he's fucking getting Daft Punk.
  6. Its up to you. I'll probably open my other package tonight, as I can't wait to see
  7. 36 blue ink cartridges for my VP. And a Waterfield Designs slip case for my Sony Reader.
  8. I accidentally opened stephen's package from amazon, thinking it was one of my packages from amazon. win.
  9. Snark that shit.
  10. I bought my Brother Laser printer 5 years ago. I have spent exactly $45 including shipping to replace the toner once. It is still going strong. It was easily one of the best computer related purchases I have ever made.
  11. Yes Dachshund FTMFGDW.
  12. Man I'm getting CT cock blocked. Stone Brewing Co. : About Us... : Distributors I have to go to Springfield to get it, where I've seen it fucking everywhere.
  13. WTF why can't I find Stone around here.
  14. This is gonna be a great christmas for you all. So much Daft to go around.
  15. CT has outages too, but not nearly as bad. The southern part of the state (including me, 20 min form New Haven) just got 4" of rain. We're having flood issues. I have water in my room right now, but I'll take some musty moldy smell over frozen pipes any day.
  16. Not bad at all. MDF is dirt cheap. It would be fun, but I'd have to sleep on the project for a while.
  17. I'd be interested in that cost
  18. Yes sah. Entry level would be sweet.
  19. I may have to contact you in the future for some advice...
  20. The other day I was at work, browsing room treatment shit, and I ran across this site: RealTraps - Home And I fucking see my ex-girlfriend's picture there. Apparantly I dated the owner's daughter. He hated me (She's on the left)
  21. A fuck if it wasn't sata.
  22. I installed the Logitech software on my MBP and it works just fine. No complaints there.
  23. I'm pretty happy with my revolution. But i wouldn't be if I had to pay for it. I'm much happier with my MX1000. I use the 1k at work, and my Revo at home.
  24. Next door to my old UConn Waterbury campus was a Vinyl shop.
  25. I guess it time I publish that audiosutra.
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