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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Oh yeah they look a bit different. I think I like the old Nano's better.
  2. Linky?
  3. Yeah that's pretty much what I call censorship. I'm not on myspace, smartass.
  4. That is exactly the way that it should be. I realize this is public domain, and run by a private party, so free speech doesn't apply... but one of the main complaints in this thread and in general concerning head-fi, is that we are NOT allowed to speak our minds. We are censored there, and now we are censored here. It is up to the discression to the mods what is considered 'annoying' and therefore deserved the lock. Irony...
  5. Seems to me, this place is getting just as bad as the other place.
  6. I have fallen in love with Tung-Sol 6080's.
  7. This forum has more experienced members, who know what the hell they are talking about, and for me, that is what give a leg-up. However, as stated, there just isn't the user base here. This forum is basically a 'clone' (here I use clone loosely, moreso implying that the main topic is the same) of the big site. IMO, this forum will never get the userbase that Head-Fi has. This is good, and this is bad at the same time. Good, in the fact that there are far less idiots here, bad in that many less users will ever see these topics. When it comes down to opinions, I take this forum's thoughts far more to heart. I posted my "Should I sell it all" thread here for a reason: I trusted what you all would tell me. So far, (minus the ear infection I just got the other day) my ER4P has been spectacular. Where as, my first post on H-F... I was reccomended to purchase the Senn HD212 I do agree about the RSA comment, though. Head-Fi is ALL fanboys regarding Ray Samuels. Before lurking the IRC channel, and reading this, I though Ray made awesome products. After looking at some of the data and comments provided by a few individuals, I have formed my own opinion about him, which I could not have done on Head-Fi. I'm also VERY against the governmental aspects of Head-Fi including its ruler. For a site where the admin is pulling profits, the product sure is of sub-par quality. Damn it the free forum I run is more stable and reliable than that site.
  8. Here at UConn, they do everyhting possible to make sure their big players can play. Like last year, Marcus Williams only had to sit out half the season for stealing 7 laptops from students, while anyone else in the university gets booted for simple vandalism of property.
  9. I don't know what's up with your ears, Jay, but man these little buggers ROCK!
  10. Whew, Sold and purchased the ETY's.
  11. I use mine constantly. I know for a fact I want to upgrade my IEM's. And I'm also pretty happy I decided not to get rid of my entire setup, as I am enjoying Massive Attack on my K340 right now.
  12. Well, once my Grado sells, I think I'l grab the ER-4p from BHphoto.
  13. I completely agree about the e2. I HATE the trebile on them. I am a little worried now about the brightness on the ety... but I DO own a 325i after all, I bet itll be fine.
  14. Aargh, now im confused again.
  15. Thanks guys. I've decided to keep most of the home rig, sell the Grados, and get the Ety's. My Grados are too aggressive for background listening while programming anyway. I'm going to list the 325i today.
  16. Yeah I just noticed that. Oops.
  17. I was thinking the ER4... but it would be out of my range from headroom... however http://www.earphonesolutions.com/etermireea.html Is this correct? Why does it seem so cheap?
  18. I am perfectly happy ith the home rig, except for the fact that I feel tied-down. I do very much enjoy listening to my K340, I just sometimes regret spending all that money. Basically its just diminishing returns kicking me in the ass. I LOVE music, and I HATE hearing lo-fidelity. But I feel that after a certian point, especially where the dimishing returns really come into play, that my musical enjoyment scaled up along with the fidelity of my systen, it just flatlined. So I spent more, got better sound, for the same (or a tad less) enjoyment. My K340 does accompany me well with my late night VHDL adventures. And I think I would regret selling them. I KNOW I don't want to invest anything more out of pocket. I realize my home gear can be improved, but I don't feel the need for that. At the moment I am thinking about selling the 325i and the e2 (even though I know I wont get much) and getting a better IEM. What IEM should I be looking at for about $200-225ish?
  19. Lately I've been thinking if a home rig is really even worth it. I haven't used my home rig intensively for about 5 months. I really only use it when I am programming on my computer for school. I listen to music non-stop, but I've been using my portable setup the most. I guess I'm just at the point where I wonder if its worth all this. I have: Cardas cabled (balanced) k340, balanced 325i, my custom tube amp, Zhaolu, monster hts2500mkII. I figure I could sell it all and upgrade the weak link in my portable setup (e2c) to (e500). My portable consists of Zen Vision:m, pint, e2 and k81dj. I know this decision is really best answered myself, but I'm hoping for some words of wisdom.
  20. This thread.
  21. mmm 1800
  22. What about the Cardas 4x20? Should work out well for both applications. That is what I used on my k340.
  23. I just may look into buying it. Thanks for the reccomendation.
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