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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I happen to like wasting soap, and having dirtier clothes.
  2. Right on top of each other. Like me and your mom.
  3. Yes. Typo. King Wrecks.
  4. I think I'm odd, but I absolutely LOVE driving in the snow. I love every minute of it. It's a challenge, and its damn fun. I drive my doglegged, non-snow tire equipped, slammed to 2.5" ground clearance G20, and its an absolute blast. *knock on wood* I have never gotten permanently stuck. I have my issues at times, especially with lack of clearance, but I always make it out fine.
  5. x2 And I don;t even like him.
  6. It's ok, most of these daft haters like that Jazz shit. Diverting tastes.
  7. That's pretty cool, Al.
  8. K thanks. Where shall I paypal? For real, if you let either of them go, please let me know.
  10. Well yes, but I meant I'd rather have more snow than the ice.
  11. We got about 9 yesterday, anohter 4-5 today, and now it has switched over to sleet. I'll take snow over ice, thanks.
  12. I've got $5 on the AD2k. And $3 on the W5k
  13. Daft Punk - Alive 2007
  14. My pair would definitely fall under the bass emphasis category, and I wouldn't want any added brightness. My VTG is significanly brighter.
  15. Win
  16. Max does this too. For free.
  17. Fuck you because of your avatar.
  18. Heh. I'd love to get a pair as well, but I think I'll have to be happy with one pair of W10;s
  19. That's pretty funny.
  20. We've got a fucking Andrea on our hands.
  21. x2
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