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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Yup. You haven't been HERE long enough, or with sufficient privileges to understand.
  2. No its actually pretty cool. You input any number, and it uses a satellite photo to locate the origins of that number.
  3. Can anyone spare a oink invite?
  4. HAHA Yeah I got hit a while back, and used it to hit about 15 friends
  5. You haven't been around long enough Pinkie. They are saying shit about the Tomahawk. Personally, I haven't heard the Tomahawk so I decline to say anything, but I can say that in the past I have not been impressed with all the over-hyped RSA gear.
  6. Fuck That
  7. Hey, everything is fine in moderation.
  8. Have a safe and happy holiday!
  9. Yeah I think I'll give them a call on wed/thurs.
  10. Eww. Ugly.
  11. I've had good luck using this: http://dban.sourceforge.net/
  12. I'm boycotting AKG until they feel like getting back to me. AT all the way. Too bad I only have an ES-7 and ES-5
  13. I did, and he said that the parts guy wasn't getting back to him either.
  14. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    I'm using (I admit, VERY dated hardware) an Athlon 2600 mobile @2.6Ghz, 1 GB Ram, 9800XT (specs I feel is still better than an average (not new) computer user) And I would NOT run vista on here. When I had it for about 24 hours, it was so slow it was pathetic. 100% CPU usafe to open the start menu. My father's machine is a 1Ghz P3 with a gig of ram. There is no way in hell it would be able to run Vista. Sorry I don't buy M$ spec sheet for it. The hotdog stand cracked me up. I'm not trying to rock the boat, I'm just saying that Vista is not worth the money I will have to pay for it.
  15. It's absolutely absurd. Does anyone know of the K271 comes stock with the velour? And does Guitar Center RMAC (return to manufacturer) their return merchandise? I'm almost to the point of buying a 271, taking the foam discs, swapping the velour pads, and returning the 'phones so they can go back to AKG that way. But that's not honest, IMO so I doubt I'll actually do it.
  16. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

  17. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    I VERY highly doubt it will be forever. Actually the table are already beginning to turn as iD begins native Linux support. Others are following suit. How can you possibly state "It will stay like that forever" You have no idea what the future will bring. None. I am very willing to pay for QUALITY software. Vista does not meet that requirement, so I refuse to pay for it. I don't know many people who will be very willing to pay to upgrade to vista, considering the hardware requirements that it will require. The past shows the trend: Linux is gaining steam. Enough so that M$ is beginning to worry about it as competition with Windows. The Novell/MS deal only shows that (as long as MS doesn't squash the current GNU technicalities) the OS is emerging, and with gaining popularity comes better development. Will it ever be on the scale of windows? Of course not. Linux is based on Open Source principles, and (hopefully) will remain about the users, not the profit margins.
  18. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    You would almost definitely have a performance loss. But you wouldn't have to use windows, so its worth it
  19. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    Not natively, but you can via wine, again a weakness of developers and not the Linux system itself. Everyday, Linux is (on the average) gaining marketshare, and I really think you will see more and more gains when Vista rolls out. This, of course, is just one man's opinion.
  20. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    Really its just overwhelming to a new user. There are choices made for you... called a default intallation. You can remain happy with what packages are installed, or decide to customize to your liking. That is a beauty of Linux, not a setback as you imply. I prefer to have my computing experience my own, not what Microsoft tells me to have. You can build and customize your own machine, hand picking all the parts, why not your operating system? You interact with your OS more directly than your hardware, I would think it would make more sense.
  21. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    IMO (any many others as I have read on the internets) Ubuntu is the easiest to switch to. I have used many of the other distros, but I have stayed with Ubuntu. With that said, I am also a believer in the idea that Linux isn't for everybody. I don't try to convert friends/family and I don't usually go out of my way to recommend it on forums. Although I love it, not everyone will. There are things that windows does better, (like pay a staff to keep the system up to date on drivers) and many more things that Linux does better. Then there are things that are out of control of the developers, but can sway certain users. For instance device drivers are usually developed for windows and windows only. Therefore, developers have to write their own drivers. Of course Windows has better hardware support out of the box. However, with some configuration, 95% of hardware should work without incident. Linux is making VERY big gains in this aspect. Just the other day I booted back into windows, and spent about 30 minutes virus scanning, updating, spyware scanning, firewall updating, etc, and I realized just how much I hate windows. This is not a consequence of Windows perse, but of the popularity of windows. I just don't have to deal with all that crap in Linux.
  22. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    Whoops sorry. Gnome and KDE are window managers. They are the actual user interface that you interact with. KDE resembles Windows more, IMO. Apt-Get is just a technology that Debian uses. It allows for the install of program using repositories (repositories are really nothing more than storage facilities for current release versions of programs) so when I use apt-get to install a program (for example GAIM (an instant messaging client)) I type sudo apt-get install GAIM. Sudo allows for administrator privileges (here it is needed to install a program), apt-get is just a command we use to tell the machine to use apt to install the program, install (obviously to install the program) and the package name GAIM. apt then goes to the repositories, downloads all the program info it needs, then automatically installs it for you.
  23. JBLoudG20

    Linux ???

    I t can be done on the same drive, but you need more than one partition. Linux uses (most commonly) the ext2 file system, and of course, XP uses NTFS. A tool such as partition magic can resize your current partition, to free up some space. Just about ANYTHING you can do in Windows, can be doe for free on open source software. I would check out Ubuntu or Kubuntu (Ubuntu uses Gnome for the window manager, and Kubuntu uses KDE). Using the apt-get system makes install software as simple as: sudo apt-get install (application name). For any program you are looking for, head over to ubuntuforums.org and search for say "photoshop" and you will fine all sorts of recommendations for Linux replacements. Feel free to ask whatever you want here, I will help as much as I can.
  24. Ugh.. I have sent them 5 unanswered emails, as well as called three times. All I want is a pair of K271 velour pads, and the foam inserts from a K240. Can anyone advise me here?
  25. Why must everyone leave when they are tagged with MOT? I'm sure to have my tag soon, I've been recabling for a while now. I don't see the reason to leave. Maybe It's the fact that I don't post very often, or that I don't shill myself or slander others. If anything, it'll just make me more aware of what I'm posting, but that's realy not a big deal.
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