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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I have read a lot of that stuff on head-wize, I just remain skeptical that the ground channel opamp can influence sound more than the stereo channels. I guess this is a good way to learn for myself.
  2. I'm an idiot an dsoldered the TO220 packages for VR1 & VR2 in my SOHA backwards. They got hot real fast, and I instantly saw what I did. The +12 supply for the opamp portion was reading 13.5v when I tested it, and clearly something was wrong because that was supposed to be the output from the regulator (7812). So I flipped them around, and the voltages were still whack. 0v if the opamp was in place, 13.5 if it wasn't there. The negative rail (7912) was reading -9volts. oops. There was still output though, and 1.5v of DC offset, LOL. I ordered two more regulators, and they should arrive tomorrow. I also ordered all the parts that AMB stocks for my MMM, but that was the end of my headphone budget. It'll be a while before I order te rest of it. Also, a question for Nate: as you saw in the toehr thread, I plan on using some OPA637's I have for L & R. Think it will make a big difference if I use say a OPA132 (I think thats the single part number) or another cheaper opamp for the ground channel instead of a 627? I'd think there would be a tiny difference, but nothing major (or warranting another $20 that I'd rather put into a better PSU).
  3. Mein Dachshund i?t Ihr pug zum Fr?hst?ck. Disclaimer: I know zero German. But BabelFish Does.
  4. http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product=4166902 A tad on the pricey side?
  5. Well there's your problem. If its broken, throw more money at it!
  6. What kind of phone is it?
  7. Anybody dealt with them lately? I called Frank yesterday and I sat on hold for a half hour, my entier lunch break, before hanging up. He picked up, said Frank, can you hold? I said OK. What a joke.
  8. You are just not dedicated enough teasing of course!
  9. I love google translations. They are usually hilarious. That guy seems to mention the Edition 9 and the W1000 a lot (as well as the L3k). I thought the general consensus was that the w1000 sucks... well of course its all just opinion, but having all those headphones and speaking a lot of the w1000 seems an oxymoron. Unless for all I know he keeps saying how the w1000 is the worst headpone ever, how it eats babies, burns puppies, and has 'relations' with PFKman.
  10. Wouldn't you rather listen to them using your new cartridge?
  11. http://www.findmyipod.com/ If you know your iPod's phone number, you might be able to find it.
  12. ROFL. There's Mobile large, and there is 6million people NYC large. And 'an airport' try a few airports
  13. Street view will help you locate it.
  14. postjack are you really from NYC?
  15. Holy crap! err.. Holy POO
  16. I meant T3, sorry. I'll post my laughable home speed when I get back.
  17. Taht's pretty effing fast, though, grawk. Especially for cable. my speed was on a (campus security throttled) T1
  18. Well yeah, sorta.
  19. [me=JBLoudG20]grumbles[/me] Why do I have a yearning for a 650 now? EDIT: sweet '/me' translates here
  20. Have I ever told you that I love you postjack?
  21. JBLoudG20


    That's what happens all day long on head-fi. I remember when I joined I was instructed to buy the HD212 even though I had a budget of about $100. I bought it, said what the fuck is this? I've been cynical of that place ever since. I can't even stand going there anymore. This place is a breath of fresh air, that really, has kept me in the hobby.
  22. That was a pretty sad rebuttal.
  23. Sounds good! If we count non-audio stuff (or closely related to audio): I built one of these: http://www.staples.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StaplesProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10001&prodCatType=2&catalogId=10051&productId=156235&cmArea=SEARCH yesterday for listening and lounging.
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