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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. You have my interest piqued. Bastard.
  2. JBLoudG20


    Enough with the teasing already, How's it sound?!?
  3. JBLoudG20


    Summer: the time of love, heat, and headphones.
  4. I believe they are kinda in the middle of flats and bowls, soundwise.
  5. Nate, if you need an Alien board let me know I have 2.
  6. My budget is even less than that. I won't spend more on something like that, than the parts cost. I'll build the mini^3 and use it at the office, but even that is a stretch, because I just don't concentrate on the music enough here.
  7. My condolences Earl, I don't know what I'll do when its time for my dog to move on.
  8. Audio-technica ATH-W100 Red-headed step child
  9. I used Frank's email.
  10. No that's just the name of the headphone, kinda like your w11 is a Japan. (Assuming it was you I was talking to about the W11, if not, sorry mistaken identity).
  11. Well you are looking at chep headphones, what do you expect? How many reccomendations for the ksc's do you need before you spend all 15 bucks on them?
  12. According to Audio-Technica, the w100 never existed. I contacted them for a few parts, and they gave me part numbers for w1000 parts. I wrote back, and said so no w100 parts then? The parts guy told me he assumed I meant w1000 since the w100 doesn't exist. Oops. I don't really blame them, cause the U.S. parts people responded and it was a Japan product. I still thought it was funny.
  13. I got a response, after I called Frank. He answered, asked to put me on hold. I kinda got a little hot under the collar, and asked if I should speak to his supervisor. I got an email reply later that day with prices.
  14. Not technically. The portapros are really a headband version of the now defunct KSC-35. I too, would reccomend the KSC-75, as for your budget they are the best headphone to go with. Start saving your pennies, this hobby is addictive, and you will likely want a L3000/PS-1/HE90 next.
  15. Its absolutely terrible. They used to have such good service. This Harman move killed them, and as such I refuse to purchase anymore of their products.
  16. In my case she's white, and a bit sibilant, but I love her all the same. (my 701, no I'm not racist ) My girl's a brunette, though.
  17. I don't know about you, but I prefer a pretty, tight body to a fat, ugly, smelly one.
  18. LOL Holy crap, I didn't look at the price. I bought some 2" one time, didn't realize I paid that much.
  19. https://www.wirecare.com/products.asp?prodline=H2 3"
  20. I completed my SOHA last night, which means the saving begins for MMM and a o11. Following that: mini^3 CK2III
  21. I'm interested in the woody A500/700/900 on that page...
  22. Yeah but if she's hot, people will watch.
  23. I think Reks should do it.
  24. [me=JBLoudG20]is jealous.[/me] I guess that means your DAC was successful? Can you reveal your source yet? My $2 parts order with $10 shipping from Mouser should arrive today, and I can fix arguably the stupidest soldeirng mistake I have ever made. then with luck, my SOHA will be up and running. However, now I regret spending the $100 on the SOHA, when I could have used it to buy the rest of the parts I need for my M^3. I'm chomping at the bit to build it, but cannot afford the rest of the parts, lol. I should never have bought the parts from AMB, then I'd be fine, and not have the PCB sitting on my desk staring at me when I sleep.
  25. Well, I would imagine part of it has to do with the fact that the amp can really only sound as good as the output transformers. Good ones are very spendy.
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