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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I'm really leaning that way. Must. Not. Order. Parts. Yet.
  2. Pretty much all the stuff that I can order from Mouser . I only have the items that are available from AMB. However, there is no need to send me handouts, I am just trying to prioritize. I appreciate the offer, though.
  3. Dilemma: I have about $150. I don't know which to build: 1) at a cost of about $120 I can finish up my M^3. 2) at about $150 I can build my 6SN7 -> 6AS7G tube amp. The reason I have such a small amount of cash: I have found that in order to reduce the amount of guilt I have for spending so much cash on hobbies, I do NOT spend my regular earnings (well mroe like SUMMER earnings: which are being saved so I have money for the rest of my last school year). I only spend supplemental income: moeny form extra jobs I do, DIY builds for others, selling my equipment (hell I even got paid for washing a few cars a few weekends ago). This extra cash is my way to spend what I want and not feel like I should have saved it. I greatly look forward to the time when I'll have play money AND be saving but I working only a few months a year doesn't allow that. So, what would you do? I have such an itch to build the tube amp, but I already have about half the parts for the M^3. I cannot guarantee I'll have enough cash later in teh summer to finish the other one. Only time will tell.
  4. Ian, Thanks for the list, there are a lot of things on it I'm going to check out.
  5. JBLoudG20


    They are even easier when the accountant does them ;P
  6. It looked good to me as well. Mind if I hop in for a few boards?
  7. Looks good! I'm more than likely going to be building one for my M^3 after I scratch my tube itch. I *should* clear enough cash tongight to order up the last of my M^3 parts. I will very likely tack on the parts to build my VanTOTL again. The cost of parts from Mouser is like $45 including a case. The expensive part is hoarding 6SN7 and 6AS7G tubes, and the transformer.
  8. Exactly how I feel. You want to play games, just work out your troubles with Windows. If you just type, listen to music, intarwebz: Linux may work for you. But, I checked last night, and I no longer have my Dell disc. Sorry.
  9. Make sure you post pics! Last thing I bought: A plain bagel and cream cheese, chocolate chip muffin, and a SoBe Orange Carrot Elixir from Au Bon Pain.
  10. I never said it was good...
  11. Saw III was rather interesting. I bought a Coffee earlier.
  12. JBLoudG20


    I use a P51 everyday at work. Charlie: Stop screwing up and its not a problem.
  13. I'll start checking the layout for you Kevin. My eyes are still pretty good
  14. Hey Kevin: how is this amp progressing? Last I read you had build a proto and seemed happy with it. Was that last board layout tested? I'd like to give a hand testing if needed.
  15. Nikon, weak. </Canon Fanboyism>
  16. I'll check for you, I might have an old Dell XP SP1 disk from when I had my laptop. You might have to remind me though
  17. JBLoudG20


    I want a felt bag...
  18. A new MetroCard
  19. Now all you need is a swimming pool!
  20. I thought this might be fun over here. Breakfast: Large Iced Coffee, and a Bagel from Au Bon Pain.
  21. Started some sketches on a low voltage tube/hybrid amp. Similar to the YAHA, but with a mosfet buffer instead of an opamp.
  22. It did work, I'm just worried about their condition, since he 'replaced the left driver and the cable' We shall see I guess.
  23. I have one, kinda. It just arrived in NY from China. I should have it in the next few days. It's the L3000 driver hunt that is not going well.
  24. JBLoudG20


    Ah. So its got some sweet highs then. CHIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG Any sibilance there? How is the bass response? In all seriousness, that sounds like a pretty good investment. Oil can only get more expensive (until we come up with a nice new way to reduce our dependency).
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