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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. [me=JBLoudG20]points at his own crotch.[/me] LOLOLOL [me=JBLoudG20]cries.[/me]
  2. It's not? ROFL NUB! You! you are teh newbiest! n00B!!!
  3. Or just a powersupply
  4. Go update the current project thread
  5. Parts are on the way for my tube amp, and I am also working on a PINT for a friend.
  6. Hey homeboy, you are soldering on the wrong side of the board.
  7. SoBe Green Tea, and a bottle of Perrier.
  8. http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1188151999 What the hell is he using for pictures? Those cool 'ebay' approved 7-11 (err Kwik-E-Mart) specials?
  9. The rest of the parts for my tube amp.
  10. JBLoudG20


    Mine really isnt bad at all, but it's only in one ear, which feels wierd. Right now I can't even hear it (the TV is on, but low). I just wish I didnt have to deal with it the rest of my life.
  11. I happen to be pretty fond of mine out of my SOHA. I do think they need tubes to shine though, and the SOHA is known for a deep tube sound.
  12. I'm just busting balls Jason. Hell, who am I to defend the L3K fam?
  13. The only thing weak here, is the bass response of your 340
  14. JBLoudG20


    I have a slight Tinnitus in my right ear, that is the result of having my eardrum ruptured. BTW: having an ear drum torn sucks. Music was distorted for me for about two years, and I still dont have perfect bass response in that ear, I believe from the presence of scar tissue. The ring I have I only get when its silent around me. For example, right now I am in my cube at work (where it is quiet to begin with) and I have my er6i in , with nothign playing. I can hear the ringing in my right ear now, and only slightly if I take the etys out. My left ear has a normal amount of background noise. Is there anyhting I can do for this? It's really not that bad, but sometimes it annoys me when I am laying in bed before falling asleep.
  15. Its the freaking L3k crime family over here. Wish I had the budget to join
  16. I rotate two watches for my everday work attire ( for reference, I wear a shirt and tie, dress pants, and sometimes the suit jacket, which is NOT these high humidity days in NYC), I have a Tissot PR50 titanium, and a few years old, gold Eco Drive. I love them both, and they are inexpensive as far as watches go. The Tissot set me back $275, and the Citizen was something like $350 on sale.
  17. Sorry about your thin skin.
  18. For those who haven't been browsing HF: This is some amazing work! http://www.mundohi-fi.com/portal/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=8&pid=8&page=1
  19. Failed! I ordered my power transformer yesterday. I'm gearing up for a Mouser purchase very soon.
  20. To me, a Fossil screams cheap. It is among the last things I would want to wear for formal/meeting attire. Although I do not have a good suggestion in the way of a digital (again screams cheap to me), how about a Citizen Eco Drive? High tech for you: the face is essentially a solar panel, charging the battery inside.
  21. Hammond 269BX transformer. Then this morning: bagel, cream cheese, Perrier water, and a SoBe Green Tea.
  22. http://headwize.com/ubb/showpost.php?fnum=3&tid=6584&pid=59001&fpage=4 According to that link: 50 plus PSU, Case, board, and all casing extras (pot, switches, RCA, 1/4"), plus heatsink
  23. Jack, Are you keeping these woodies?
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