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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  2. We've got about 6 or so here.
  3. Still pretty bad here. We have a good 4" or so, and its till coming down.
  4. It's snowing pretty good here.
  5. Happy fucking birthday!
  6. I'm finishing up "A walk in the woods"
  7. We have 1-3 overnight, and 3-5 for tomorrow.
  9. JBLoudG20

    CanJam 2009

  10. My parents have always complained about this, as they have never used it. Until now. Last week had very extensive water damage, and the insurance rep said we were completely covered. They are quite happy now
  11. Happy Birthday Chris
  12. You are no fun I'll probably buy the books though, and tack on a CD or two.
  13. The French BTW: No offense meant, Mike.
  14. I'm starting to think the same way. I have $400 in amazon gift cards... do I buy something fun, or spend it on text books?
  15. Make your son buy his own car?
  16. New Call of Duty. Enough said.
  17. You should get the Prologue. Also Call of Duty 5. [HCOG] represent.
  18. $100 and a $5 botle of wine.
  19. last night I went to bed at 5am (ok I guess it was this morning...) I got woken up at 830 because I forgot I had a dentist appointment at 9. Went to the dentist, then finished up Christmas stuff. Just got back from dinner at my g/f's.
  20. Happy moto birthday!
  21. My shitty college apartment was $980/month. I just went hunting again to see what I can afford on my RA/TA, and the cheapest I could come up with was a 1bed/one bath shithole for $700. I'm living home for the next 9 months, when I'll be finding an apartment with my g/f.
  22. Seriously
  23. That's because the ATOW's drops girl's pants faster than it takes thrice to eat biscuits and gravy.
  24. KSC75
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