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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. [me=JBLoudG20]cries[/me]
  2. I'll keep that in mind for when the time comes to drop weight, assuming I eventually get fat and lazy... well fat at least.
  3. that diet sounds like fun! I love beef and pork.
  4. So snack on some ex-lax. No weight problems anymore!
  5. which really isn't that much, considering your height. I am about 225, at just under 6'4", but I have the 'Hager' build from my mother's side of the family. Broad as a train. You'd think you'd have a new pair of genes by now???
  6. Where are my dumplings Wreks, you arent that fat. Stop drinking soda. You'll have a body shape just like those 300b's. Perfect for the beach.
  7. At what height, casue if you were 4 feet that's not all that impressive It's all about body type as well as diet and exercise. Luckily I have genes on my side to be tall, strong, and not fat.
  8. 23 Age doesn't matter. The last 5k road race I ran I got my ass handed to me by an 85 year old, LOL P.S. thanks for being so active today guys, its sure making this friday go by quickly.
  9. Just avoid soda
  10. you should be like a 10min walk from here... dumplings are desired in my belly. there is a chinese place right next door, but their food sucks. \
  11. I don't know about you, but I don't root around in a septic tank for fun, just because I put on some rubber gloves.
  12. When people insist on blowing thier nose on the subway.
  13. That's one fly fedora.
  14. Share the wealth! dumplings rule.
  15. But there is plenty of herpes to substitute for the shame.
  16. PFK you need a woman first.
  17. HAHAHA My goal is to not have a heart attack tomorrow.
  18. Are you exercising too? I find I can eat whatever I want as long as I run 3-4 miles every other day
  19. How is that a diet then?
  20. You could probably lose a few pounds too. Oh yeah, JPak, from the one time I heard the R10, I really didn't like it. I'd definitely arrange a meeting or long term borrow them before you pull the trigger.
  21. The family is from St. Francis http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=st.+francis+ME&ie=UTF8&z=10&om=1 My dad's old house is/was about 50 feet from the river, which divides the US and Canada. Doesn't get much further north than that. We used to go to Canada ALL the time for dinner and such. I used to love it. But since my grandmother passed, I haven't been there in a few years. Limestone is pretty far up there, though.
  22. Ah ok. I go to Maine fairly often, that is where my father (and most of my family) is from. But MUCH further north than Kittery.
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