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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. depends how much you are looking for. I am willing to pay, but within reason.
  2. Maybe... If things work out, which actually its not leaning that way right now. The guy I'm talking to isn't letting me know if he's selling it or not, and i can't find anybody else who will sell.
  3. and a SoBe green tea
  4. It's sterile right from the tap!
  5. with herb cream cheese
  6. I ate a bagel for breakfast.
  7. Well, I did suspect a bit of it was unbelievable. I have done some survival camping myself, but I ahve never actually been ina life or death situation, so I took it witha grain of salt. Some of that stuff was unlikely, but not impossible. things liek those rafts... I jsut assumed he was more skilled than I, because one's I have made never looked (or performed) as well as his. Still, even if he stays in a motel, the show still provides its intended benefit, as the things he shows can really be done in a survival situation. I do feel, though, that as the show got older, it was more about shock value. Drinking your own piss, eating those massive grubs.
  8. I don't think I've ever had chicken for breakfast?
  9. chicken for breakfast? interesting.
  10. My new tube amp is 99% completed. I am waiting on a few capacitors form Mouser that I forgot to order. then I want to just do some cleaning up of the wiring (the amp is p2p, so its not the prettiest thing). My next project is building a PINt for a friend, then earning some moeny to finish my M^3, which might be delayed if I land a certian deal for a certain headphone.
  11. And flac challenges
  12. PFK! Share the 'lings!!!!!
  13. You let your wife refer to you like that Jay?
  14. ROFL
  15. Could be worse... could be crack, or transvestite hookers.
  16. I just finished a chocolate chip muffin.
  17. Yeah oops, I kinda neglected the 4 pin part. I chose to read what I wanted to read, and spout off random bull shit about it. Neutrik Does make some quality connectors. I've used thsoe like 500000 times, and the vampire 3 pin once.
  18. That's a very sensible way to look at it. Time to start your hunt, postjack. The headcase FOTM has you by your balls.
  19. Extreme Makeover, Philodox Edition.
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