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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. But I'm not single. Well I guess technically cause I'm not married, but I've been with my g/f for 6 years. And yes, a lot of money to be made. too bad I have to spend so much of it to GET HERE! The commute is killing me. I'm actually pretty excited to move here just for that reason.
  2. I had am EM7, and it sounded very good except for the non-existent bass.
  3. That's quite a change. Good luck!
  4. Oh I understand. As it looks now, I might be moving to NYC next year, which I have mixed feelings about. where are you moving to?
  5. Leaving you cannot. NE will forever be in your heart. Except for our winters. I believe im good for the second weekend of August.
  6. Ah yes, Sunday the 26th. I remember seeing that. I can't as classes start the 27th, and I work right up until the 24th. I'll be moving into my apartment then. We (nate, jpak, and I, and others) should have a mini meet in your neck of the woods.
  7. When is it?[me=JBLoudG20]checks HF now.[/me]
  8. no it was in reference to "youll have better luck shitting your own tubes"
  9. I know how you like that man sausage.
  10. Ok I can't find it, so ignore my comments.
  11. I pay my own way too, and its hard sometimes. In the past it was ok cause I had a meal plan, but now I'm off campus, and I need to keep costs down. However, I also am taking out loans now too, so it might be a bit better.
  12. I'll go look for it, you lazy bastard
  13. I guess that's true. During the school year, though, I don't think I could survive without bread. Meat is too expensive
  14. So you are eating some sliced meat on a plate? Sounds good! I think I'd still have a hard time with that diet though, because I adore bread.
  15. Nope I wasn't at the meet. I'm from Connecticut, Foxwoods is about a half hour from me, though I don't go there.
  16. Are you having a bad brain day?
  17. Amateur
  18. Yes. Shit your own $100 t00Bz
  19. Check one of the other threads... Dr. Gilmore suggest it may be possible to shit Amperex (I think may have been, could be wrong brand) tubes.
  20. That's fucked up Dan. If you get all your shit from him, I'll finish it for you if you want.
  21. Well, the layout was completed and checked. I don't know if an order has been placed for boards yet.
  22. My secret weapon resides in my pants. It strikes lust into the heart of any woman alive, and jealousy into a man's heart.
  23. My wallet/bank account is crying... Pics when something arrives.
  24. Kevin is waiting on boards now... he already built his prototype. PostJack commissioned me to build one, once boards surface.
  25. No shit? Where are you from jpak? I'm fairly close to Foxwoods.
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