This is aimed at jpizzle, and nate:
Would one of you be willing to host a meet for the three of us, as suggested in another thread? The weekend that was looking the best, was that of August 11-12.
Would we all be able to make it then?
I never said I prefered them... on the contrary, I think the 5000 blows. I'm so glad I got these, as right off the bat they sound SO much better than my w100.
I was just implying that cost wise they are not as impressive as the 'top tier' that is usually discussed here.
two reasons that didn't happen:
Mega wouldn't respond to me in a timely manner so I was hesitant buying from him in the first place, even though I gave him a very fair offer. Two: I talked to jjcha, and he said comparitively the pair mega has didn't sound very good.