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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Awesome. I prefer to p2p tube amps, but I've been dying to know what this MMM is all about.
  2. I can't afford the summit, but I plan on buying the vantage in a few years, depending on the living situation at the time.
  3. Haha, Well I had to reduce the gain a bit to make it bearable. If I reduce it a tad bit more, its not audible, but then there isnt the bit of headroom I want with the 701. Using the w10, however, no problem. Maybe I should jsut put a pot on the output and call it a day. Nate, do you happen to have an OPA627 I could take off your hands? I can't find one, so I'll be using a OPA134 for the ground channel on the MMM.
  4. Um. Kef's? Martin Logan Summit.
  5. I'm not a fan of the looks there, in either color.
  6. OH SHIT thats right, the venerable Dac. I need to hear that. I'll bring: MSB Digital Link III SOHA M^3 (assuming its done by then) Maaaaaybe the VanTOTL. It's still a work in progress, becuase I am rebuilding the B+ PSU, but It might be fun to comapare to the HA-2, since they use the same tube compliment. Just ignore that low level hum K701 W10VTG
  7. OOO when will the parts arrive? Will Jay finish his M^3 in time for the meet? Can humanity be saved? I am feeling confident this will happen so... what are you bringing?
  8. Ah, but I still bet it wouldn't have done as much damage. Going al lthe way back into the cabin? All that melted insulation was either one hell of a fire, or way too much current. Zip ties are my friend Good luck with the rewire. Been there, sucks!
  9. Why don't you add a fuse? Would have saved your wiring, and who knows maybe your life had it happened a bit differently. Just my outlook, of course.
  10. Ouch thats a shitty way to go. No fuse to save the power line?
  11. it's ok, she'll take you for a ride.
  12. Ouch, how'd it happen?
  13. not to make it sting but:
  14. try it on pancakes! And tacos! And pizza! And broccoli! And yogurt! Damn tehre are so many applications!
  15. Sunday actually works better for me too, but I can make either day.
  16. ROFL lets have a raffle to cover meet costs! Eh if need be I can cover 50 or so for room and food... its the gas up there that will kill me!
  17. I'll trade you for a switchbox.
  18. Just busting balls
  19. traitor. you build or else... There are melos schematics floating around...
  20. a burnt marshmallow?
  21. Why are you coherent enough to post? I'm dissapointed in you.
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