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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Karma? You saying I was a bad boy? Eh, fuck you buddy.
  2. fuck that, femto is the coolest.
  3. I like 'party in my pants' Or, femtoDAC and femtoCombo. Ah -15: my favorite exponent.
  4. well if you made dumplings, you'd be neither hungry, ot lonely cause I'd run there for them.
  5. Happy Birthday teddy bear!
  6. I wouldn't sya the difference I have heard were subtle. Mine sounded kinda like my car's system, only MUCH more distorted bass, and not NEARLY enough SPL
  7. So I go to case up my M^3 today, and I snap the volume pot's shaft. Yes I snapped a shaft. Dammit, so for the fuck of it I tried to epoxy that shit back into place. Game over for my RK27. Fuck. So I fire up my VanTOTL tonight, to discover my only 6AS7 has decided that about 10 hours of use was enough, and one of the triodes is dead. At least I have a backup 6080. *sigh* Amp maintenance isn't my idea of fun spending.
  8. HAHA I do the same with my gifts to my g/f. I had to tell her I bought her present today, so she can squirm for a month.
  9. Where is the perrier? I'm still wating for my dumplings, lara.
  10. HA That's what I was just thinking.
  11. Wham bam. That one stings.
  12. Jane so wants Bill's dick.
  13. You still look pretty fruity.
  14. Well, let us know when you are coming back. I pretty much have a full month off around that time, so I shouldn't be busy.
  15. Yeah, no big deal, jpak. I could use a day to sleep in
  16. She was just in my hometown a few weeks ago, in CT.
  17. Well he has a half an hour to inform us I'm the same way. I commute 6 hours a day, so to spend a day off in the car for 6.5 hours wouldn't be all that fun, but I could do it to make the meet. Plus I have to go shopping as I move again in 2 weeks.
  18. A 7" digital photo frame for my g/f, and I tacked on 1GB of ram for my photo editing computer, which is chugging along at 384MB.
  19. Sure isn't looking good...
  20. you fucking cocksuckers caused me to fucking stay awake on the fucking train this morning, instead of fucking sleeping you mother fuckers.
  21. Haha I tried doing that a couple years ago, and ran out of HD space. Good luck with your endeavour!
  22. Dude, hes blowing at your place? I see why he's so hyped over at your forum, the dude is blowing your joint.
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