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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. ROFL dam man, yo so souf
  2. And due to living in apartments for the next few years, I won't be able to enjoy a full out speaker setup, so I'll just save for now. I have a big rock to buy relatively soon.
  3. dude, you got pwn3d
  4. I will never be able to justify $2500-3k on headpohnes. sorry, id rather have speakers for that price.
  5. glad to see you are not leaving the headphone hobby! I will be working on repairing my MMM tonight. Should be a 10 minute job.
  6. preach on preacherman
  7. my sentiments exactly.
  8. 5 to take the discussion into a completely differnet topic. 3 to post random swearing 1 to post a masturbation machine 1 to explain how RSA can't design a lightbulb for shit, and to offer to cryo any lightbulb in existence 1 to explain this all over, but humerously in ghetto slang 2 to flame each other over previous lightbulb transactions, and then threaten to never send an owed lightbulb, or pay the owed money from borrowed lightbulbs 1 to post a kirby dance
  9. [me=JBLoudG20]want an L3k now [/me]
  10. and Nazi. tkam you are the lead teddy bear. bare your belly or feel my wrath.
  11. DUDE WTF! tkam you are directly held responsible for this. Vengance and all your smiles will be mine!
  12. lara. dumplings. go.
  13. tkam, I slap your belly to assert my alpha male dominance.
  14. is tkam bigger than me? then it shall be a fair squeezing. look what you got me into, jpak.
  15. Listen pfk, you dont want me to make this messy, so you better just stay over there in squeezetown. I am under contract woth jpak, and I dont want to have to squeeze the smiles out of you, my buddy.
  16. WORD
  17. I love the announcer at the beginning of each round. "Slayer" "Oddball" "King of the Hill" And playing drunk is def very interesting.
  18. HAHA Dusty with the nut tweaking comments.
  19. ROFL do do crab
  20. ooo reks dishing it out.
  21. Elephas, you must have patience with Billy. He is our 'special' member.
  22. I don't believe so, I JUST finished season 1. I have yet to load my zen with season 2, maybe tonight.
  23. It sure took bullock long enough to screw the widow.
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