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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I was thinking of trying sudafed tonight, see if that did anything. Damn if this isn't making me go nuts. If I tilt my head to the right (I think I typed wrong earlier, my right ear is the messed up one) it pretty much clears up. I look so retarded with my head to the right all day.
  2. That is hilarious.
  3. Agreed. I mean after all, you like them Sennheiser things
  4. So I had a cold early last week (or it might have been the week before, I forget by now) and I still ahve some clouded hearing in my left ear. Anything I can try to do to clear it up? Its starting to drive my batty.
  5. Granted, and god knows the 6c33c could use the added cooling to the sockets. I guess I just don't dig the look. It seems unfinished to me.
  6. It's still ugly.
  7. I'm with you. looks like a newb DIY'er.
  8. http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/284777-REG/Bogen_Manfrotto__3021_Pro_Tripod_Legs.html
  9. HAHA I don't have the money to back that adventure. I jsut bought a tripod
  10. http://www.kata-bags.com/index.asp
  11. I see an opportunity
  12. Dinner for 2
  13. Goes right along with your squeezing nature.
  14. All it takes is an opened ipod, find what pins are being used, and you can get anyone to make you an imod cable.
  15. Kevin, I was mentioning that I think that is the mod that Fitz does, not the one you are talking about.
  16. Jay, Without offending, I doubt Fitz is doing this mod. He talks like its the greatest thing ever, but if I rember correctly, he is just reducing the hum? Two damn resistors on the AC heaters to ground will take care of that. And the Extreme is a bit different than the DV. As I mentioned the Extreme has parallel output tubes, and better quality parts. Now its up to you to decide if all that makes up for the price difference. Depending on the power supply (specifically the current capability of the heater transformer) in the DV, it would be about a $15 job to modify it to parallel the output tubes.
  17. Well, they are not exactly the same, but they are not far off. The VanWaarde originally used a 6922 in the gain stage, but its really about 3 resistor changes to allow a 6SN7 to be put in there instead. Not that Ray would know to do that,
  18. Happy birthday, player!
  19. PFK should upgrade his belly button.
  20. gothika
  21. Kevin, I would be interested in the mod you are talking about, and preferably an entire quick sketch so I am on the same page, circuit wise.
  22. Look at the Kata camera bags, they are really nice, I LOVE mine.
  23. They use the same tube compliment. the extreme uses paralled triodes for the output stage, effectivey halving the output impedance, and doubling the power capability. The DV and the Woo use a 6SN7->6AS7G/6080, but only one half the power tube per channel.
  24. this happened a while ago. reapers are being stupid today. my dac works fine.
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