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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Nate, take a picture of this clown, please.
  2. LOL
  3. Yeah they should work fine, but depending how old, may not work with the AF.
  4. What will you be shooting, mainly? You'll have to sacrifice somehwere. Did you get the kit lens? Its an EF-S 18-55. IMO, I would look into two cheap(er) lenses. One a 70-200 (or 70-300), and either a lower telephoto, or a 50mm prime. The classic is the 50 f/1.8, what can be had for about $75, but that is if you don't mind a prime. Using about the same budget, I picked up a Sigma 70-300, and a Sigma 28-70. I am happy with them, considering what I paid. Of course, what you get, will depend on what you shoot.
  5. You may have finally convinced postjack to blow you?
  6. I'd agree with that sentiment. Now sell your 650, and buy a new source and a L3K. Then sell the 340, RS-1, and w5k.
  7. Sorry about your thin skin!
  8. Oh I didn't realize this was that guy. I was not nearly harsh enough on him.
  9. He doesn't even respond to text messages
  10. Eh, I'm open to new things, I'll give it a whirl.
  11. That's how I drink all my vodka, tho usually unchilled.
  12. And you have influenced me enough to try it, from a previous time you mentioned it. I'll see how it fares.
  13. A guess is just as useless as you are.
  14. MATT!!!!!! Where the hell have you been buddy? And yes, goose rox my sox.
  15. "Oh did I lose you with infer? Not used to hearing overt first grade vocabulary words? People used to infer that 'wreks' was manufactured"
  16. Yes we do care, when all the posts are like yours: Worthless pieces of fucking shit, as aerius would say.
  17. Well it could have been burnt beyond all recognition at that point, and you'd still think it was good.
  18. I used to use my 340 at a pretty high volume, but it DEFINITELY was not to get more bass.
  19. You know what's funny. yesterday I made a post in pez's thread. he was deciding between the ER4 and a SF5. One guy came in and said to wait for the unreleased Jay's IEM, because it was exactly what he wanted. I asked him if he had heard it. He replied no. I then told him his post was invalid, and called him out for recommending a product that he not only hadn't heard, but isn't even out yet. Guess what? Yep, the head-fi mods deleted my post. It wasn't even that rude, I simply stated 'how can you say that, you haven't heard it.'
  20. Part of my motivation for the outburst. I mean, I'm not exactly one to talk, as I can post random shit and garbage, but damn hes just getting annoying.
  21. Wolfbait, cut the shit. Fuck you and your assuming ass. Eat shit and Die. Play in traffic. Lick postjack's nuts.
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