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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I hope you had him straighten out those fucked up walls
  2. The argument can be made: if you are studying, you aren't paying attention to the music anyway, so the nuances the amp would bring would be for naught.
  3. Skull candy ink'd
  4. Thanks guys! I have a bit of a buzz going, and my g/f is making me Chicken Parm as we speak. I got new motorcycle gloves from her too! More present later
  5. I can also report I have no issues with your wife's touches.
  6. cool
  7. You are out of the clan
  8. One of my best friends has a tattoo of a turbo on her lower back.
  9. We got probably 5 inches of snow, and inch and a half of sleet, and now its freezing rain. Temps are falling off the charts now too. At least since I'm a University Employee, I got the day off. Well, I didn't have to go to my lab, but I had to work from home. I felt like Grawk all day. I called out my dog for being an asshat, then watched hockey and drank 15 beers and 11 drams of whisky.
  10. What about a dynamid for the pre's, and a dynamight for the headamp?
  11. I cannot even imagine using my 47" as a computer monitor. You are nuts, Chris.
  12. I've been dying to try the chicken pho a local restaurant here at school has. Maybe I go.
  13. I am at work.
  14. I grabbed a 47" JVC 1080p LCD for $700. Helps that your buddy works there, and 'had the authority to change prices'
  15. x2 Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.
  16. My 4x 1TB drives are inside a Drobo, so I'm not too worried.
  17. Heh that would have been a load of fun.
  18. 0 Degrees around here, but its the usual amount of motherfuckingwindy here in Storrs, so its feels brutal. I know its bad, when I building hop to get where I need to go, usually I enjoy the cold.
  19. My lab is drafty. Where I sit, I'm fucking hot. But the people who sit closer to the windows are bundled up all day. Keeps life interesting.
  20. Oh that's a (usually) yearly occurrence here. After 3 snow days, April vacation goes bye bye, followed by February. The district is very very strict about not only meeting the state minimum of (I forget, 185 days?), they consistently attempt to beat it by about 7%.
  21. That's how they do it all the time in our district. Every snow day is an addition onto the end of the school year.
  22. Pics or ban.
  23. And it won't integrate at all with your harmony. My buddy is looking into the IR-USB receivers for this harmony, I'll let you know what he finds.
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