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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Maybe post pics first, then tell all.
  2. Dibs on it if you decide to burn it. :mikey1: :mikey1:
  3. I have all the parts, I'll be getting down and dirty tomorrow. Then I'll work on the headphones.
  4. The pink headphones tomorrow got all the parts today.
  5. Go away, you are getting more evil every minute you hang around here.
  6. Happy birthday! You and token are liek twins or something!
  7. smarter than you?
  8. HAHA That was funny.
  9. I am a bot. I like female robots.
  10. I'd like to know as well! Also, let us know how it sounds.
  11. Wasn't being mean, just giving him a taste of how far down the rabbit hole goes.
  13. Stop thinking in the head-fi fucktard mentality, where you can bathe in reassurance that your gear is OK because everyone says so. If you hang around here, you will see that we encourage you to do your own listening, and decide for yourself if it is any good. Also if you hang around, you may be given access to a place that shows all. Then you will REALLY see all the BS that goes on at head-fi.
  14. I am so happy you have a new name.
  15. YAY MATT. We Love you!
  16. ROFL
  17. Oh no! I get my packages sent to my parents house, because things seem to disappear when they are delivered to my apt.
  18. My dad called me last night: "You got a package from some guy in New Hampshire"
  19. WOO MATT. Get your crunk on.
  20. Or am I? Hints about on these here boards this morning.
  21. I've bought two w100's
  22. NEVER. dew eat
  23. YAY MATT!
  24. Just have to put it all in the right perspective, and think creatively
  25. I wont have them until next week, I'll let you know once they are in my hands.
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