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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Ah crap, you are that super annoying mother. Well, you might want to do a lot of reading around here before you start the shittalk.
  2. I'm not going.
  3. OH Lara, we are going to have a talk
  4. Jack all you ahve to do is drop a line.
  5. The w100 is terrible compared to both the VTG and the 3k drivers. And the w100 was the best you heard of the bunch. I couldn't stand the stock w100 (I had two early serial number versions) And of course they are playful jabs.
  6. Not singling anyone out. I mena damn if your parents want to buy you a car, then hey great for you! The difference to me is APPRECIATING your parents' generocity, or EXPECTING it.
  7. Or bad ears when they prefer soemthing other than your 340?
  8. I put them above because they ARE better than the 340 IMO. It was incredibly mediocre when I had it, and I even built an amp for it. The triple.fi had bass that didn't absolutely suck. The 340 excels at the midrange, and I have found I enjoy the AT midrange much more. The 340 as only good for electronica, and I found the 701 to surpass it in everyhting else. I think its just safe to say we have different opinions on sound.
  9. The problem is kids nowadays are just too fucking spoiled. When I was 16, I bought my own car. I did not expect one to be given to me. I was at my friends house the other day, and his little sister was on a bitching spree about how her father 'better buy her a car or else'.
  10. So do you also keep noticing that the 340 gets placed about themiddle of the pack in everyone else's rankings except yours? I'd offer to let you hear my w3k, but you are too biased to give it a good listen
  11. Ah ok. W3000 > W10VTG > triple.fi > K701 > K340 > ES7 > w100 > K240s > er6i > HD600 > ATH-SJ5 > K81DJ > UE s.f 3 > KSC75 > e2c
  12. W3000 > W10VTG > er6i > UE s.f3
  13. I'm bleeding fuckin A Man that is white boy dance if I have ever seen it. That video so need more JayLoud
  14. I have had a phone form every carrier, and there is a reason I have stuck with Verizon for 4 years, and it's not because of their handsets.
  15. Let me help you out here, with a little guide to Head-Case descriptions: If you are referring to a person you disagree with, dislike, hate, wish to murder, wish AIDS upon, moderately like, never met, or never formed an opinion about, replace their name with "cocksucker" If you ever need to use the adjective: extremely, very, massively, huge, etc.: replace with fucking If you ever need another work to fill in a gap: fuck works wonders. Think someone is stupid? Asshat. Need something extra to say? Just include a joke about postjack's sexuality. For example: A translation of your sentence: 'I think it's more like "craziness and insanity." ' = What the fuck, you cocksucker. Get that shit right. "Asshattery and fucking crazy motherfuckers abound in this reject of a brothel. Postjack is the nicest smelling gay man I have ever met. See? Not that difficult
  16. fucking Member of the Trades slanging their shit around here on our front porch.
  17. For the record, I was just busting balls.
  18. I like to refer to it as bi-sexual, and a hermaphrodite.
  19. Oh go back to your mediocre 50 year old wanna-be electrostats
  20. You are no longer welcome in this thread.
  21. responded
  22. W2002 in thge middle, belowe are 2 w11JPN, below that AD2000, and on the right are two w5000's
  23. IIIII Don't want to sound racist. Matt is my brother anyway, so how could I hate him?
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