Let me help you out here, with a little guide to Head-Case descriptions:
If you are referring to a person you disagree with, dislike, hate, wish to murder, wish AIDS upon, moderately like, never met, or never formed an opinion about, replace their name with "cocksucker"
If you ever need to use the adjective: extremely, very, massively, huge, etc.: replace with fucking
If you ever need another work to fill in a gap: fuck works wonders.
Think someone is stupid? Asshat.
Need something extra to say? Just include a joke about postjack's sexuality.
For example:
A translation of your sentence:
'I think it's more like "craziness and insanity." ' = What the fuck, you cocksucker. Get that shit right. "Asshattery and fucking crazy motherfuckers abound in this reject of a brothel. Postjack is the nicest smelling gay man I have ever met.
See? Not that difficult