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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. Wrong person. Pay attention.
  2. And that's exactly what is is: just a collection.
  3. not only isn't it funny coming from you, but its just fucking annoying. Get your own act.
  4. Enjoying doesn't start to describe it.
  5. Damn you Ian. The Office season 2. I watched all of season one last night.
  6. [me=JBLoudG20]cries[/me]
  7. kthnxbye
  8. GET IN! WE GOTTA GO! WE GOTTA GO! [me=JBLoudG20]pops clutch, mashes gas[/me] SHIT WE NEED TIRES! TO GOODYEAR!
  9. Wow I hope it wasn't expensive.
  10. I am interested to hear the 950ltd as well. Although I had the W3k, and I really liked the sound, the VTG just has this 'magic mojo' going for it. Current market prices would dictate you'd be looking at around $600ish (probably a bit more) for the VTG, and around $1100 for a JPN. This is, of course, assuming you purchase from a head-fier. If you are lucky enough, you might be able to snag one off Yahoo Japan for a bit less.
  11. Whoa, keep that to yourself.
  12. Nevermind I'm confused.
  13. I'm looking at the Hagerman Cornet. http://www.hagtech.com/cornet.html
  14. ROFL. You jsut wait for my perfectly timed comeback.
  15. Ah. Well if they werent idiots, then I wouldnt be so harsh. I had a good invite this morning!
  16. ? Total jokes. Me thinks you have the attitude if you are taking me seriously.
  17. Its a kit/2: meaning it only includes the parts that you cannot get readily off the shelf. With all those transformers, I bet this ends up totaling about $400ish for a stereo amp.
  18. Hey you thief. I posted that punkface.
  19. Welcome to head-case, sorry about your thin skin.
  20. I absolutely agree that in certain ways, this place is just as bad as HF. Just take a look at that thread here where the guy askes for our opinion of his amps. He blatantly says "I have only heard RSA products" and just a day or two ago comes in to say he has seen the light. What light? You still have not heard another amp. He is just getting his info from the rest of us, and taking it as the absolute truth. However, I have also experienced here, the idea of "Hey if you like it, then so be it. You are still a MOT, douchbag, asshole, but at least you can think on your own."
  21. My speakers are cooler and they sound better.
  22. You DEF are a noob, as many of the guys here have more moeny invested in just their sources.
  23. In other words, welcome.
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