You know, I really don't see the curse part here. We may have saved you hundreds if not thousands. The beta should prove to be a GREAT pre, and to add a couple hundred to the final cost will make for a kick ass addition to your speaker setup. You should be thanking us by giving us money and beer.
Heres a hint edwood. That is how America works. You pay: you get preferential treatment. Not exactly rocket science. I am very willing to bet Amazon doesnt miss the cheapasses like you. they would prefer to keep the guy who spends more.
Oh I'm sorry. I thought I read 'pack' it up. Meaning I though you were packing up your used nano to give to her. That would qualify as a cheap bastard.
the competition that uses E-INK is around the same price, but I agree with you. I am very interested in these, but I'll wait to see if the price drops a bit.
The idea with E-ink is to replicate the look of ink on paper. It is much less fatiguing to the eyes, and is much more efficient. this is meant to be a book, not a portable comptuer. Yeah a bit pricey, but still a fantastic idea.