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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. I like the fact that you can purchase content right on the device, and I LOVE the subscription feature. BUT no PDF just murders it for me, never mind how much I hate DRM.
  2. Hello ride. Welcome to Head-Case. Sorry about your thin skin.
  3. I woudl take a long, hard look at the headroom balanced desktop, when you have time. Great amp for not so much money.
  4. My recommendation is for the ES7. I fully intend on purchasing another when I have the spare cash.
  5. UT3 is only coming out for the PS3, correct? If that is the case, that is the nail in the coffin for my 360 buying plans. Blue ray player AND UT3. Game. Set. Match.
  6. What made you decide on the 6800? Temp solution? I thought you said it was crap?
  7. Meh, I hope they sound great, cause they LOOK cheap.
  8. No, we just don't like dealing with asshats like yourself.
  9. MM, Vans... but my recommendation is to buy used off A'gon or ebay fwiw: I paid $125 for my Q1 (which is the old name of the iQ3)
  10. LOL insecure much? ZOMG I might not fit in with the cool guys!
  11. I can still see all the pieces of crap you have in there just fine.
  13. What's it fucking matter?
  14. Kef iQ3.
  15. We can't tell you if you'll like them, BUT I can predict: you will like them a lot more if they do not fall apart on you.
  16. Billy and mjg. OR postjack and boy george. OR PFK and Mr. Rogers. Or ...
  17. AND he is realyl cute, to boot.
  19. By God, mjg: you sound just like Billy. You can take that comment how ever you'd like.
  20. Well, I would image that is so, with the roll off, and all.
  21. philodox. Blame him.
  22. Yes, but if it on your tab.. we play with Dead Guy. Also, its pong.
  23. Ban this non-picture-posting loser.
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