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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. That'll teach you.
  2. I once dated "takes on too many DIY projects, becomes mod, and resembles famous actor" girl. You'd think youd tire fo the constant soldering, and autograph requests. NevAr. Happiest itme of my life, that was. Too bad she dumped me because I was too good looking for her. She wanted to date down. I hear her iron is pretty lonely, now.
  3. MS-1 because there is no business like show business.
  5. Too bad you cant edit
  6. x2 what the hell is with the actual moderating lately? Kinda unsportsmanlike impressive for this forum. [me=boomana]fixed that for you [/me]
  7. Posty. I'll give you mad props if you get Mickey crunk.
  8. That was done a while ago, you nub.
  9. I want a flex fit hat.
  10. Yay Jay go get crunk.
  11. That is the first thing I saw as well.
  12. Womens.
  13. Mathematica is OK, I prefer Matlab, but mostly because the language is similar to C.
  14. the Millet's use the tubes in the gain stage, with a SS buffer.
  15. My volume pot is around 4 oclock or so. Shows how useful this poll is My amp is tuned for my clost AT's: not much gain. I listen at moderate levels, with the occasional foray into loud for a song or two.
  16. Matlab is the greatest thing ever. Well, next to baguettes.
  17. I think I meant to write bypassed. Either way, it was a bit different that what I was referring to, hence my apprehension.
  18. http://www.headphone.com/products/headphone-amps/the-micro-line/2007-headroom-micro-amp.php
  19. To my untrained eye (Kevin can correct me) it sure looks like a pretty run of the mill common-cathode (unbypassed) transformer coupled amp. Sound quality will greatly depend on the output transformers that are chosen. I don't know what was spec'ed as I really didnt look into the parts list.
  20. Yes, but I would prefer not to have to spend time at night updating my device for reading. That's just my laziness, though. Knowing how these thigns always are, it'll mean buying the book, converting, synching, checking it, finding out the convert messed up, convert again, new settings, etc. I'd end up buying this for a commute, and I have found that during the week, I don't like fuckign with my electronics every night to make sure its ready for teh next day. I jsut don't want to worry about it.
  21. Half the reason for the PS3 is a blue-ray player. I just picked up a HD-DVD player, so I wouldn't mind the PS3.
  22. Toshiba A3 from amazon. It comes packaged with 300 and The bourne identity. I also got The departed, casino, and goodfellas as a part fo their package deal.
  23. I didn't even notice that, but I didnt look at the wiring over there much. That does look pretty silly.
  24. My sentiments exactly. http://www.hagtech.com/images/castanetschem.jpg That's a pretty easy p2p job.
  25. JBLoudG20

    NetFlix "WatchNow"

    It's quantum mechanics, my man. It knows what you want and refuses to help you.
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