To an extent I agree with you, but on the same regard, one does not have to give 100% attention to the music to appreciate the added fidelity. I very rarely ever JUST listen to music, but I can sure tell when a tube is going bad, and I can enjoy the sound of my VTG.
Your argument states that as I am sitting here typing, with my VTG on my head.. I will not be able to enjoy the sound fomr my headphones, so I should just be using the onboard sound to some v6's?
I agree that maybe an imod is overkill if the user is not even pauing attention to music. However, who are you to say that as I am walking around, I am not actively listening? Because I will hear the occasional bus drive by, I should not use high quality gear?
Maybe you should stop preaching about what people should spend their money on, and worry about your own self. You have found a happy medium for your listening habits, leave it at that.