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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. How am I backpedaling? If you only knew me, you'd know I do this shit to rile people like you up. I really don't give a flying fuck about how you want to act on the internet.
  2. HAHA you get riled up too easily. Time for you to walk away from the keyboard.
  3. Your mind must REALLY be that simple, if you think that is a lot to have on your mind. I apologize I assumed your problem was just in your communication skills, but its much deeper than that. I'll be nice now, I give sympathy to those with disabilities. It's not about feeling good or bad, it about carrying yourself with a degree of dignity.
  4. Are you speaking of Blizzard in Chicago? I see nothing of 'blizard' proportions for here, just a half inch of rain/sleet.
  5. I don't have a problem with you. I just think you sound like a 10 year old, the same exact way Billy does. Don't type like a fucking teenager, and you won't sound like an idiot. And I typed that last night.
  6. Someone want to check if mjg and billy share the same ip's please?
  7. Dusty, thanks for the impressions. I really want to hear a pair of the 950's now.
  8. I am sooo happy it finally snowed good! I just got back from playing in my car. Fuck I love this shit. I should go move in with Dans old lady back in Alaska. I bet this post will be edited.
  9. Wow you noob. Don't you know threads go offtopic on here? You wanted suggestion on photoshop replacements? Should have asked about the annual rainfall of Nigeria.
  10. X, what the fuck?
  11. I'll try not to laugh at the bibble suggestion.
  12. Go Toddy! Go Toddy!
  13. Make popcorn an official smiley!
  14. pwn@g3
  15. I'll look into it, for when I need to replace this aging PC I use to edit photos.
  16. Its not about ease of use, it about the processing power/options that it is capable. Gimp IS a gimp in this regard.
  17. Do we need to have a conversation?
  18. I am all for open source software, but that doesn't mean it is best. I keep a computer around with XP on it, JUST for Lightroom and photoshop CS3. There isn't anything better than those adobe products. Bar None. Gimp can try, but it cannot hold a candle. Maybe with a few more years of dev, it can compete with what PS has NOW.
  19. The Snow Falling! :dance: Updates later... we are expecting about a foot or so. Which means we will actually probably get an inch
  20. I knew you'd see the light
  21. Although I usually give the buyer time if they request it... money talks, bullshit walks.
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