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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. PSH POSTY FOR THE BUUUUUURN. Posty you are my honorary brother.
  2. ROFL
  3. If only that were the case with me. Never mind 2 glasses, last time I drank I had 11 glasses over the course of about 2 hours before I went to sleep. Still was a bit hungover. However, now that I think of it, waking up like 5 times through the night to piss may hurt the recooperative sleep I need.
  4. I totally agree with what Filburt said.
  5. I have an elegant solution. If interested, let me know.
  7. Steal this film 1 and 2
  8. 100% correct. If you need someone to do the work, I can do it leaving it single entry, but you'd likely lose the detachable cable solution. Let me do some thinking while looking at my 240s.
  9. YAY REKS. Go have fun. Enjoy your Day.
  10. YAY PFK!! PLAY UT3!!!
  11. I second Nate. He's so dreamy.
  12. Its not just Ori units, this has been a problem with the Zhaolu for a while. What do you expect for a $100 Chinese 'hi-fi' piece of shit?
  13. Thank you very much, Ian.
  14. Bourne Supremacy HD Bourne Ultamatum HD The Office Season one on DVD.
  15. Planet Earth on blue-ray.
  16. I'd rather be a lightweight. Cheaper to get drunk. Too bad I'm a big guy.
  17. Gift certificate to a local Italian restaurant.
  18. Well by quiet, I mean all the birds, animals, lions, tigers, bears, oh my, dachshunds, oxen, etc. are all holed up. I have woods on two sides of my house, and I'm the last house on a dead-end, so I don't get a LOT of people noise either, but I bet its loud compared to Nate's neighborhood. I just love how calm it is when its snowing.
  19. UConn spank Maine.
  20. Occasionally an account gets deleted.. but usually the offender just leaves cause they can't take the heat.
  21. I actually like clearing snow, especially DURING the storm. Its so calm and quiet outside.
  22. The incredible, edible egg.
  23. Dude, you already have the expensive one. An HD-DVD player will run you like 100 bucks.
  24. They pretty much all do that now. I know my PS3 does. Just get both formats. Todd told me to, so I did. You should too.
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