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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JBLoudG20

  1. As seen on H-F today: http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm_eng.nsf/root/press_releases_07.01.2008 http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm_eng.nsf/root/press_releases__07.01.2008 http://www.sennheiser.com/sennheiser/icm_eng.nsf/root/press_releases__07.01.2008_ Seems as if the awaited new top of the line model isn't here yet. I wonder if they'll have a surprise at CES? They seem to be following the IEM trend, so I wonder if they are even interested in a 'new' 650. If the 650 is doing well, my mess with it?
  2. Are you trying to match budget-wise? Size wise, there is obvioulsy no comparison, and the pico lends itself to portability. Makes much more sense for an office/dorm rig than a MMM and a $30 alien DAC
  3. The pico is an entire transportable setup, that can be taken anywhere with a USB port to use a good guality source and amplification.
  4. 2x fluffernutter
  5. ROFL that's awesome!
  6. Sounds like a sweetie pie!
  7. I've had Sprint, Cingular, Nextel, and Verizon. I'll rank them form my experience, just for the hell of it: Best-->Worst Price(features of plan/$): Cingular, Verizon, Nextel *I had an employee plan for sprint Reception: Nextel, Cingular, Sprint, Verizon Customer Service: Cingular, Verizon, Sprint *Never used Nextel C.S. And notes: I used Nextel for a job, and I had am employee plan on Sprint.
  8. Meaning I could take pictars of meteor shower.
  9. I actually have my DSLR with me, as well as my Manfrotto
  10. no iphone
  11. no iphone
  12. no iphone
  13. Billy, are you being a dipshit again? Go take your meds.
  14. So, what other good sources have you heard?
  15. No iphone.
  16. I am sad that I do not have IRC access, and have not had our usual conversations. I fell like I do not know what is going on.
  17. Not just Ori, we also dislike all 'designers' who can't hear for shit, build crappy products, then shill them in every shady way possible.
  18. In every occasion that I have seen Ori's work, I have always commented how crappy it looks.
  19. Heh I'm glad im not at my apt right now. In Storrs we have a constant >25 mph wind. Sucks so bad in the winter, but is nice in the summer. In Springfield, two nights ago we got about 4".
  20. I believe that's a whizzer.
  21. I ran out of gas this summer. Had to call my g/f to bail me out Vince Vaughn Auto Repair Shop
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