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About cegras

  • Birthday 06/05/1989

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Member (2/6)



  1. I think I have tickets to that, ha! Also, to Symphonie Fantastique. I bought the 3 for $39 each, without knowing I could've gotten cheaper as a student , but the seats were surprisingly good. What ever it is, it involves mil-spec.
  2. It's already been a decade? Cheers to the beginning of another one.
  3. My mom complains that durian smells like cat pee, and therefore a durian has never set foot in our house.
  4. I'm pretty comfortable with cracking open their shells at whatnot (crabs reward you a lot more for your effort with their legs). I see you point about giant insects ... I never made the connection like what, so it doesn't really bother me. The goop in the head is best part!
  5. No shellfish at all?
  6. Er, I'm sort of wrestling with the edit system, but most of what I know about pinetrail comes from anandtech. It'll work for what you need, but you will have to wait until 1Q10, and if you want to play HD content, you'll have to find a third party decoder, as the integrated GPU isn't powerful for it.
  7. *cough* Disregarding my aesthetic taste, an ion platform usually does not come fanless because of the additional heat produced by the nvidia chipset. Your best would be to duct it to a 120mm slow speed fan, which can usually fall beneath the ambient noise barrier. Also, the Q110's prebuilt price looks pretty hard to beat, considering a typical ion bundle (e.g. Zotac) already comes at around $150, excluding case, hard drive, and optical disk. I like how the Q07 looks. It's brushed, black, and has a uniform look to it. I tend to abhor LED lights, windows and grills (P182 owner). Then again, I think Apple has pretty good aesthetic design. These sort of things have to blend into their environment though, it'd probably look out of place if stashed on a cluttered desk.
  8. :<, well, I've only been to orchestral performances thus far, and some, er, rock concerts I went to used microphones and speakers. The hall was large too. But they managed to balance out the singer, the orchestra, and the chorus without having them drown each other out.
  9. I saw it at the Roy Thomson Hall. What I really liked (and found out for the first time) was how the singers performed without any amplification, just their natural voice. That was very enjoyable.
  10. It was a nice experience. Overall, the music was not tear-inducing, but there were a few favourite sections of mine, including some arias by the tenor, who had a wonderful voice. The chorus was a bit piercing. I've always been sensitive to soprano ranges, so a deafening array of sopranos was bound to hurt my ears. Overall, it can get deafening, really quick. The position where you sit affects the music (expensive tickets, etc), and the performance you get may not be cherry picked, like a recording is. Often I find that live performances always somewhat fall below recordings, and probably for obvious reasons. This led me to think a bit about hi-fi and music. People always say (or the marketing spiel does) that the point of hi-fi is to reproduce the recording as faithfully as possible. Is this always desirable? Disregarding all impracticalities, would you rather have a personal band perform in your room compared to a hi-fi setup?
  11. Why not an atom/ION platform? Better yet, the new pinetrail platform with a paired decoder will probably do all you want. You could stuff it into the gorgeous lian li pc-q07 case.
  12. *ahem*, in any case, I apologize if I went over the top. Was not my intention.
  13. Chinese people usually eat everything on an animal. I've had tongues, eyes, and various random organs. Of course, it's usually easier to eat it if you don't know the origins of it. I can't really bring myself to try insects though. I saw deep fried crickets, silk worms, and the like in rural chinese markets, and suffice to say my fancy was not tickled ..
  14. I did read it, and most of the forum before registering. I'm not an audio or electronics whiz, but sometimes I get strongly opinionated about people like this - not sure what was particularly wrong about my first statement, it probably did take a disproportionate amount of time to undo the tags on the clothing compared to just buying more - I wasn't agreeing with the 'mental' treatment by offering a more likely point of view. The second statement was mostly about how her mug matched up with her behaviour - overly made up, overly 'layered,' white collar criminal. Sometimes people look the part, sometimes people don't.
  15. That's ok - lipstick on a pig.
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