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Everything posted by DieInAFire

  1. woooo, i'm in!
  2. I'm way down
  3. Ever wondered what it's like to be Hellen Keller? Helen Keller Simulator
  4. For those of you interested in some serious science {trans-1,4-Bis[(4-pyridyl)ethenyl]benzene}(2,2?-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) Complexes and Their Supramolecular Assemblies with ?-Cyclodextrin - Inorganic Chemistry (ACS Publications)
  5. #170. Pure liquid.
  6. this thread is almost as bad as the one on head-fi.
  7. Why get a urinal if you've got a shower?
  8. I'd offer favors in return for cups like those...
  9. where's a good place to buy wood online if one wishes to make grado cups?
  10. what if they had rod locks and build construction like the HP-1000s, except as a wood/metal hybrid? Speculation is killing me.
  11. maybe it's like a PS-1 except with wood.
  12. I want to see how these look before I order
  13. ATH-W11R for sale: FS: Rare Audio Technica Woody - ATH-W11R $700 - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  14. eh, we'll see if they can get a substitute for Cutler... it's a risk trading a proven player for picks, especially a QB as young and as talented as Cutler. This will all depend on how those picks pan out.
  15. i had pitt as the champion, but I have MSU in the finals, so...
  16. holy shiet, $5,350 dollars, but act now and get it for the ultra low price of $4,500. I guess Ray is expecting to sell at least 10 of them? Quite pricey, I must say...
  17. wahahaha
  18. He just asked for clarification as to what part of your statement is untrue, since only part of the statement needs to be false for the entire statement to be considered untrue. I can't understand where you're going with this. I reread this thread and it appears you flipped out... 909 called it an alleged rumor and you start beating down on him for "starting it." You should reread the thread as well, I think your'e in the wrong here (in terms of the ambiguity)
  19. It's so expensive and far removed from any other amp I've heard that I dunno how I would evaluate it
  20. that's usually the main complaint about rsa here anyways
  21. and from some of the few people at that meet whose ears I slightly trust. On the other hand, props to Ray for not making an amp that clips when driving 650s. Apparently the prototype did, which was why I thought that it couldn't.
  22. wtf are you talking about? If it were designed for IEMs, then it would sound better with IEMs than other comparable amplifiers. Ray designed it for IEMs by default, using that line as a facade to cover up the complete lack of amplification it delivers
  23. designed for IEMs - that's not even a reason to buy the thing. It's smaller, but the hornet was pretty small anyways, so woopdeefuckingdoo, it clearly doesnt work well with all cans, both amps use rechargables, so basically the amp just mainly has better battery life at the expense of nearly everything else
  24. Everyone's jumping in on the tomahawk, but the Hornet just seems like a better buy in almost every way except basically battery life. Yet the amping ability and versatality of teh hornet should trump everything the hornet has. Plus they're the same price, except the thawk has a cheaper intro price. And I don't even like the hornet, to make an understatement.
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